*Lucys pov*
I woke up in ians arms and needed to pee. I got up and walked into the bathroom, when I pulled my pants down a wave of panic and shock rushed through my veins "IAN! IAN!" I screamed for him to wake up, with in a few seconds he came running in "whats wrong?!" I started bawling "Ian I'm bleeding" he hugs me tightly "hey it's gonna be okay, let's go to the hospital" he says trying to put on a calm tone, I nod.
we've been sitting in this room, waiting for the results. I feel Ian grab my hand as I lay in the cold hospital bed "luce everything's going to be okay, I promise" I smile at him as tears threaten to spill "I can't loose this baby, not again" I suddenly realise what I just said "I'm not going to force you to say anything but if you can and want to then go ahead" he squeezes my hand in reassurance "last year, when we were filming season 5, do you remember when I was sick?" he nods "well I was... I was pregnant" a few tears spill "with Adams?" I nod "when I found out, I was so happy" more tears start spilling "and then I told Adam..." Ian motions for me to sit on his lap, so I get up and he wraps me in his arms and I nestle my head in his chest "luce, what happened babe?" I take a deep breath "he wasn't happy... he hated me for it" Ian hugs me close to his warm body "he wanted me to get rid of it but I refused. so he... he did it himself" I cry "you don't have to tell me this is you don't want to" he smiles at me "I want to, I need to" he nods "he hit me, a lot. I had bruises that were so painful to even touch. And then he did the unimaginable" I take a few more breaths "he slammed my stomach into the corner of a table" I cried harder and Ian held me tighter "I lost the baby and he forced me to never talk about it" by this time I was full on crying onto ians shirt. he comforted me and repeated those three simple words over and over again that made me feel like the luckiest person alive, "I love you" he said once more before the doctor came in...
how did you like Lucy opening up about her past to Ian? Left you on a cliffhanger to find out what's wrong with Lucy - Ashleigh Hanna

I Need You - Lucian
Fanfictionwhat happens when Lucy and Ians plans get cancelled so decide to go to his cabin?