Chapter 4

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"Wait, excuse me Tita! What did you say? Sleep with him?! Oh, hell no! I am desperate, but NOT THAT desperate. " Ballsie exclaimed wide-eyed and completely shocked her aunt even considered to offer her this potential job. 

Just as she expressed her indignation to what the job entailed, her aunt told her, "Too late, Beh. I already sent Manang Susan a message saying you will take her offer. No more backing out". 

"Well, take it back Tita! And what were you thinking, offering me this kind of job? Tita Betsy, I didn't know you and Manang Susan were pimps." Ballsie cried out as she stomped her feet with frustration.

"What the hell do you mean? Barbara Flores, I AM NOT A PIMP! And neither is Manang Susan! Get your head out of the gutter. You literally need to SLEEP. WITH. HIM. Like when he sleeps, you need to be in the same room and watch him sleep. Apparently, the poor guy has terrible nightmares and Manang Susan would be in a roll out bed next to him and she would wake him up if he has bad episodes."

Ballsie paused and gathered her thoughts before replying, "So I just need to be in the same room with him, that's it?" 

"Uh-huh, that's it. Oh, Manang said you will also need to do the usual housework - you know, cook, clean, the works." 

Ballsie didn't mind the idea of doing the housework, since she is used to doing most of the housework at home anyway. It is just sleeping in the same room with a guy she does not know is what's stopping her from accepting the job offer wholeheartedly.

"Well, you said he's just a few years older than me, right? What if he cannot resist my charm and takes advantage of me? What then, Tita?" Ballsie covered her torso as if trying to stress her vulnerability. 

"Look, Beh. You know I love you right? I admire your confidence and your high regard for yourself, but this guy sounds like he has taste! Don't get me wrong, you are my niece and I think the world of you, but I don't think his kind would go for someone like us. Look at you, I mean you're pretty, but you don't look expensive. This guy seems the type that would go for Wagyu steak, not beef tapa.

With her aunt's comment, Ballsie hurriedly went to her room and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared at her reflection and instinctively smelled her hair and her t-shirt. She smelled good, but her aunt was right. Her looks were plain and borderline boring. Who in their right mind would like her? 

"Beh, listen. If the sleeping arrangement is the only thing that you are worried about, Manang Susan assured me her boss is a gentleman. You know from her stories, he actually sounds quite a catch - young, rich, smart, comes from a great family, up and coming architect, and very handsome. She said a lot of beautiful and successful women fall at his feet and---"

"Tita, I am not sure," Ballsie interrupted. 

"Ok, ok. Hear me out, your family needs the money. This job offer is only temporary while Manang recovers from her surgery. You will get paid 75,000 pesos per month - cash."

"75,000 pesos per month?! Are you for real? Now that seems too good to be true. I think with that pay, I am definitely expected to do more than clean, cook, and watch over a guy while he sleeps," Ballsie argued. 

"Beh, Manang will be recovering from surgery for four months. That's 300,000 pesos in total! Think about how much that can help you with your expenses, plus, you still want to work abroad, right? I know you are smart, so I won't say the typical "think with your head BS", but I would say this, think with your pockets," Tita Betsy argued back. 

Ballsie felt as if she was at a crossroads. Deep down, she knew that she won't earn that much money anywhere else. As hard as it was, she decided to leave it all to fate. 

"Ok, Tita. I guess time to put my big girl pants on. Ask Manang Susan when can I start?" 

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