Chapter 16

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"Who needs bad dreams when you have a living, breathing nightmare in your own room. Living and breathing! Ha!"  Dylan stared at the couch where his "boogeyman" was currently sleeping. 

Ballsie had been snoring like a freight train for hours. And for the last hour or so, Dylan had been trying to figure out how could someone so tiny could snore so loud. 

"I swear, if a pig and Chewbacca had a baby, it would be Ballsie. Goddamn, can I put a sock in her mouth to keep her quiet?!" Dylan murmured as calm as he can because Manang Susan was also sound asleep. He looked at Ballsie again and weighed his options. He removed his blanket, got up, and approached the couch barefoot; he tiptoed so both ladies won't wake up from the sound of him walking. As he reached the couch, he squatted on the floor and examined Ballsie while she was sleeping and snoring away. 

Ballsie's mouth was half-open, and her eyelids were also not fully closed. Her snores were even louder as he got closer, and her pillow even vibrated from the hoarse sounds coming from her nose and mouth. If Dylan didn't know that she was sleeping, he could easily assume that she was being possessed by an evil spirit by the way she looked and sounded. 

"What to do with you? Dylan tilted his head sideways and moved a few inches closer to the edge of the couch where Ballsie's head was. His lips were only a thread away from hers.

He scanned her face and admired her refined features. "You are very pretty - long eyelashes, high-bridged nose, red kissable lips, smooth as porcelain skin. A natural beauty. There is definitely nothing superficial with your looks - just as God intended. Hmm, it's just too bad that whatever comes out of your beautiful mouth, whether it be you're awake or you're asleep, drives me crazy. What to do with you, what to do with you? Should I keep you?" Dylan whispered to Ballsie as he softly tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"Can I keep you?"


"Ballsie, wake up!" Manang Susan poked her forcefully. 

"Ah Manang, good morning po!" Ballsie stretched her arms out as she looked at Dylan's bed. The bed looked like nobody slept on it. Every pillow was in its place and the blanket laid flat and perfect on top. 

"Um, Manang. Where is Sir Dylan?" 

Just as Manang Susan was about to reply, Dylan barged in his bedroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, cellphone in his hand, and the darkest circles under his eyes. His eyes immediately darted to Ballsie and he gave her a death stare of his own. 

"Dylan, what happened to you? Where did you sleep? Did you even sleep?" Manang Susan asked in quick succession. 

"Nay, I slept in one of the guest rooms. I slept for about two hours." 

"Why would you sleep in one of the guest rooms when you have your comfy bed here?" Manang asked with concerned look in her eyes. 

"Well, Nanay Sue, ask Chewie here." Dylan pointed At Ballsie as he headed to his bathroom to get ready for work. 

Ballsie was flabbergasted. She did not know what she did wrong this time around. She looked at Manang Susan utterly confused. 

"Chewie? What do you mean, Dylan?" Manang Susan looked to Dylan then to Ballsie with her hands on her hips.

"Nanay Sue, you didn't tell me your niece is Chewbacca. She sounds just like him when she sleeps! Like this, RAWRRGGAGRRGWAG, RAWRRRAGGR." Dylan mimicked as he closed his bathroom door. 

Ballsie couldn't believe what she just heard. She stared at Manang Susan in disbelief, her ears were both red from anger and embarrassment. The day had just started, and she couldn't believe her boss just got mad at her for no reason, well at least a reason she was not completely aware of. 

She counted one to ten to soothe the fire and anger building up inside of her, but she decided she couldn't let this pass. She walked up to Dylan's bathroom and pounded her fist on the door. 

"Sir Dylan! Sir Dylan! Open up!"Ballsie demanded as she kept knocking on the door. Manang Susan had her hand on her shoulder as she tried to mediate and led her out of Dylan's room. 

Both women were startled when the bathroom door swung open. Dylan, who was already topless and was only wearing his pajama joggers, got up close with Ballsie and stared her down. 

"Do you mind? I'm already running on just two hours of sleep, thanks to your non-stop snoring!  Do you want me to be late for work too? If you don't mind, I need to take a shower and get ready for work. Ok, Chewie?" Dylan looked at her without even blinking. 

"Nanay, please tell Tori we will leave in 30 minutes. I won't eat breakfast anymore. I'll just grab something to eat on our way to Tagaytay," he directed Manang Susan, but his eyes did not leave Ballsie. 

"Oh, and Chewie? This is strike one, alright? Three strikes and you're out!" 

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