Chapter 27

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That particular Wednesday went by as quick as a hurricane. Dylan went to his office in the wee hours of the morning and even drove himself because he didn't want to bother Tori who was flat out drunk the night before.  He just made sure he left a note for Manang Susan so she wouldn't worry about him and his whereabouts. 

After his nightmare, he didn't really have the wherewithal to go back to sleep. He just pretended he was sound asleep by closing his eyes and covering himself with his blanket. He lied on his bed as still as he could and pondered how he felt at that moment. Usually, after his night episodes, he would initially feel an out of body sensation, but that feeling would last only for a few minutes and he would just go back to sleep. This time around, he felt conscious and vulnerable.  He did not like the feeling of being helpless right in front of Ballsie because she might perceive him as weak and someone who needs extra care. 

"Well Dylan, you kind of need the extra TLC. That's why Ballsie is working for you." Dylan reminded himself as he stared at his computer screen at work. He had been working the whole day and after a million meetings at work, he finally had some free time to work on his projects and to grab something to eat. He locked his computer and stood up to go get some food from one of the Jolly Jeeps outside their office. He was about to press the elevator button when Ken caught up with him and called out to him.

"Bro, wait up! Hey, are you grabbing lunch? Well, me too!" Ken gave him a pat on the back as they waited for the elevator together. "Oh, by the way, I am requesting some time off in August. I will be gone for two weeks because my brother is getting married. Whole family is flying to Australia because the wedding will be held there. Hope that's ok with you, bro." 

"Yeah, you have vacation hours, right? I'm cool with it. Just let our HR know. Congrats to your brother. Weddings are fun." Dylan replied back. 

"Yeah, they are fun! I just hope my bother will keep his promise when he says "I do" because he always fights with his fiancée. Hahahaha! Oh, speaking of promises, you owe me a lunch, bro!" 

"Ken, we are going to lunch right now. I can buy you a sisig plate from one of the Jolly Jeeps!"

"Bro, we always have the sisig plate. I have an idea. Let's just play basketball at your house, then can I stay over for dinner? Manang Susan cooks well and I miss home cooked meals." Ken suggested as they stepped out of the building, out in the hot, busy street of Makati. 

"Well, if you are free after work, we can play a little game of basketball and you can just join us for dinner afterwards. After today, Nanay Sue will be gone for a while because she will have hip surgery tomorrow, so today's your last chance to taste her home cooked meals. Are you down?" Dylan asked as both approached one of the food trucks in their block. 

"Yeah, yeah! I have nothing to do today anyway. Should I bring something?" Ken asked back. 

"No, you don't have to. Let me call Nay right now so she knows to prepare an extra plate." Dylan took out his phone out of his pocket and called Manang Susan. 

"Hello, Nay! Yeah, I'm ok. Yeah, I left early because I have so much work to do at the office. Did you see my note? No, I am fine. Don't worry. Um, listen. Ken is having dinner with us later after our basketball game, so prepare an extra plate, ok? Yes, Nay. I am fine. Ok, thank you po. I'll see you later." Dylan ended the call and placed his phone back in his pocket. Both he and Ken were now in line for one of the sisig plates. 

"Ok, bro. You better bring in your A-game. I always beat you in basketball." Ken teased him with a chuckle. 

"You wish, Ken! You know I'm better than you! Hahahaha!" 

The queue for their lunch was long, but they did not have to wait long. As soon as they grabbed their lunches, they headed back to their respective offices to eat and do some more work. 

"Ok, Ken. I'll just see you later. Oh, by the way, I am almost done with the first-floor draft for Mr. Mendoza's house. I can show you later and we can fine-tune any gaps with the floor plan." 

"Ok, bro. Sounds good. I'll be at your house by six o'clock." 


Dylan felt a need for speed as he drove his Porsche in the city streets. He was surprised that the traffic was not bad, even if he left his office during rush hour already. He drove as fast as the law allowed and he rolled down the windows to feel the summer breeze. On certain days, he definitely enjoyed driving himself especially in times when he needed to clear his head. Today was the perfect day for that. 

As he fast approached his neighborhood, he slowed down a bit and readied himself to face Manang Susan and Ballsie. He finally reached the entrance gate and the guard on duty didn't even have to ask him who he was because his Porsche was already a dead giveaway. The neighborhood guards were all familiar with all the cars he owned and drove.  

"Hi, Sir Dylan! Welcome back po!" The guard raised the entrance barricade to let Dylan through and gave him an informal salute. "Have a great rest of your day, Sir." 

Dylan thanked the guard as he drove through. His house was still a few minutes away, so he took a deep breath as his house got closer. When he reached his house, he parked his car with the car engine still running and got out to open the gate. But before he could even take two steps to open it, a familiar, flamboyant voice yelled out his name. 

"Sir Dylan! Oh my God! Are you ok? How come you drove yourself? Are we ok?  Did I confess my eternal love for you last night when we were drunk? Did something happen between us?"

"Tori, here we go again with your antics! Just open the gate, please!" Dylan rolled his eyes as his ever-loyal driver opened the gate for him. Tori smiled back at him and gestured his usual heart sign as he passed through. He parked his Porsche in the big driveway and hurriedly opened his front door. As he entered the foyer, the whiff of char-grilled steak welcomed him and his nostrils. He immediately salivated as soon as he realized that Manang Susan wanted to cook him steak for breakfast earlier. He guessed that since he did not eat breakfast at home, they reserved the steak for tonight's dinner. 

"There you are, hijo. You got me worried a little bit when I did not see you in the morning. Ballsie pointed out that you left a note on your nightstand. You feel, ok?" Manang Susan asked him with clear concern in her eyes. 

"Yes, Nay! I just really had some work that I needed to complete by end of day today." Dylan reassured Manang Susan with a big hug. "So Ballsie woke up before Nanay Sue then if she saw my note first. Hmmm." 

Just as he thought of her, Ballsie appeared as if on cue. He looked at her and she gazed back at him with a look that mirrored Manang Susan's worry. He did not want to beat around the bush, so he addressed the elephant in the room to get it over with. 

"Ballsie, sorry for giving you such a scare last night. I guess, you now know what you've signed up for." 

Ballsie just bowed her head, and she just gave him a polite smile. Dylan didn't quite like how she smiled at him this time around because her smile did not reach her eyes. He could tell something was bothering her. 

"Is she scared of dealing with my night terrors? Maybe she wants to quit?  Does she feel bad for me? I don't want her to pity me." Dylan reflected in silence. It was then a loud voice broke his reverie. Ken had arrived and Dylan was not expecting him until an hour later. 

"Bro! I am here early! Hahahaha, good thing your driver saw me and waited before he closed the gate. I was just a few cars behind you, bro! Oh, Manang Susan! These flowers are for you. I heard about your surgery tomorrow." 

"Thank you, cutie Ken! I love them." 

Dylan was about to introduce Ballsie to his friend when his world became suddenly much smaller. 

Dylan glanced at Ballsie and saw her eyes were just wide in amazement. "Kuya Kenkoy?!"

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