Chapter 8: Amazing Dates and "Babysitting"

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Riker's POV

when I kissed her lips I instantly felt that loving connection with her that I haven't felt in a long time. I missed liking someone.

"Your a pretty good kisser Lynch" she whispered as we pulled away and I chuckled softly.

"Why thank you I-dont-know-your-last- name" I rushed out weirdly and she giggled at my "cuteness" as she calls it.

"Your not too bad yourself is what I meant" I winked and she blushed at my words.

"Should we get to your car instead of standing in the road?" she laughed and ran to my car which looked pretty funny since she's wearing heels.

"You look funny when you run in heels by the way" I smirked as I hopped into the driver seat.

"Shut up!" She laughed.

"Nah, I'm good" I joked and she rolled her eyes but was still smiling.

"Can we listen to some of your bands songs?" She asked after a few minutes of silence and I looked at her curiously but then looked back at the road I was driving on.

"Umm sure if you want, I have our album and EP under here" I said and pulled out both for her.

"Can we listen to this one, it looks pretty cool" she laughed and I smiled and nodded before she put in our EP and Heart Made Up On You started blaring through the speakers.

"This is really good!" She smiled widely.

"Thanks! This is our newer music but we've also released 2 singles after this, some music before that other album, and we're releasing our second album next week" I told her, happy that she loves what I do.

"Awsome, I'm definitely checking out this Louder album, those other singles, and your older music when I get home not to mention that I'm gonna buy your second album next week" she laughed.

"Did I seriously just make you a fan through one song" I laughed and so did she.

"Yup, pretty much get ready for me to know every detail about you the next time I see you" she exclaimed and had an evil smirk on her face.

"Oh dear lord" I laughed, "and I'm hoping to see you tomorrow if your good with that" I said as I pulled into her driveway.

"I would love that" she kissed my cheek then hopped out and ran inside.

Today was a good day.

Ryland's POV

Me, and Ross were watching Big Hero 6 for the millionth time, when we heard the door open and close and there stood Riker with a smile plastered on his face.

The best part?

It was a real smile.

"HOW DID IT GO!" Ross jumped up from the couch making my bowl of popcorn spill everywhere.

"Amazing, and your cleaning that up" He stated and I laughed at Ross' face.


"Are you guys watching Big Hero 6.... WITHOUT ME!!" He yelled enthusiastically and jumped next to me to watch it.

"Yup" I laughed and took a swig of my cherry coke.

"So how was the date?" I asked seriously then noticed the hint of sparkly pink lip gloss on his cheek and lips.

"Well, I can see it went well" I smirked evilly.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

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