she gets jealous (requested)

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You sat across the table from Jenna at the restaurant, both of you looking over your menus in front of you.

You were focused on yours as you carefully looked over each option.

Everything sounded amazing, you didn't know what to get.

As you and Jenna stared at your menus, suddenly someone appeared by your table and you both turned your heads thinking that  it was the waiter.

But instead, you saw a strange girl standing there.

Her eyes were on you and she had a little smirk on her face and Jenna could tell that the stranger was here because of you.

And she didn't like it.

"Hi, pretty girl." The stranger greeted you. "I was sitting over there at my table when I saw you and I just knew I had to come over here to see you because you are absolutely gorgeous."

"Uh, thanks?" You said.

She introduced herself before asking for your name.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She said as she put her hand over yours. "Wow."

"What?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.

"You just have the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen."

Jenna rolled her eyes over the classic line.

"You are just so breathtaking. What do you say you join me at my table and we can get some food and get to know each other better?"

"No," Jenna said, making you and the stranger look over at her. "Absolutely not."

"And who are you?"

"Her girlfriend," Jenna said as she clenched her jaw. "And if I were you, I'd stop flirting with my girl and walk away now."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you're going to live to regret it," Jenna warned. "She's my girl. She's already taken. So just save yourself some embarrassment and time and walk away."

The stranger rolled her eyes at Jenna before walking away.

"Thank you for that." You said with a sigh of relief. "That was extremely uncomfortable."

"Yeah." She sighed. "Let's just order and eat, okay?"

You frowned over her sudden change of mood but you agreed, ordering what you wanted as the waiter came over.

After your meal, you returned home.

Jenna was still a little grumpy and wasn't really speaking to you.

She seemed upset and you couldn't understand why.

So, when you both were sitting on the sofa, you curled up to her.

She sighed and tried to shift around to pull away, only for you to protest.

"No," You whined. "Don't pull away from me."

She looked at you and you tried to look into her eyes to see if you could tell what she was feeling and what was going on through her mind, but it was a little hard to sense.

"Why do you seem so upset at me? Is it because of what happened earlier?"

Jenna looked away from you, letting out a heavy sigh as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Jenna, please talk to me. You seem so upset. What did I do?"

"It's not you." She said. "It just keeps playing through my head how hard she was flirting with you. Her eyes were practically hearts."

"Jenna," You said, but she shook her head to cut you off.

"Darling, you don't even know how beautiful you are. You are so gorgeous and irresistible and I know people are going to flirt with you but I wish they wouldn't because you're mine. Just mine." She pouted.

"Jenna, I know how you feel. People flirt with you all the time."

"They do not."

"Yes, they do. Because you're insanely gorgeous, smart, and sweet, everybody loves you because there is so much about you to adore. I know what it's like to feel jealous. But just know that like you, I don't pay any attention to those people. They can flit but that's all they can do because I'm already taken and that's never going to change. Because there's no one else in this world that I'd rather be with."

She smiled a little as you took her hand into yours.

"You're all I want. I don't want anyone else. So though people may flirt with me, they won't get anywhere. You're the one that I love."

"I love you too." She smiled.

"So don't be jealous. Don't let this bother you, baby." You said as she pulled you onto her lap. "Because you're all mine and I'm all yours."

She put her lips on yours, pulling you in for one of the sweetest kisses you've ever shared.

"Please don't be upset anymore. Okay? I want you to smile and be happy because we're together and we have so much to be happy about."

"Okay." She said as she pulled you in for another kiss.

"You're my everything." You said against her lips. "Don't ever forget that."

"You're my everything too, sweet girl." She said, brushing her fingertips across your arm.

She pulled you closer and gave you a couple of sweet kisses before you sat down beside her and snuggled up to her.

You turned on a movie to watch together as she held you close, feeling much better now that she had you in her arms and she knew that you were truly all hers.

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