being intimate after an argument (requested)

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"You know what, Jenna!?" You yelled before tangling your fingers in your hair. "Sometimes you can be so annoying!"

"Yeah, well, so can you." She said as she sat down on the bed.

You let out a heavy sigh and sat down on the bed too, though you kept your distance from her.

You folded your arms over your chest and stared at the floor, refusing to even glance at her.

"You know, you can stop being so stubborn and just admit that you're wrong." She said.

"So can you." You mumbled.

It was silent for a moment before you spoke again.

"If this is how tonight's going to be, I'm sleeping in the guest room."

You scooted back and reached for your pillows, only for Jenna to push you down on the bed.

It wasn't hard or forceful but you could tell from the look in her eyes that she had something in mind.

"What?" You said.

But she didn't answer you.

At least, not with words.

Instead, she put her lips on yours to give you a feverish kiss, and as upset as you were, you still melted.

You didn't hesitate to kiss her back and you tangled your fingers in her hair as she held you close.

You got lost in her lips and her touch as her hands wandered across your body.

It didn't take long for you both to take off each other's clothes, or, rather, practically rip them off.

You were both needy and desperate as you became intimate, trying to forget about everything you'd both said during the argument you'd had.

And though it was mostly angry intimacy at first, you both began to melt soon after.

She put her forehead on yours as her warm and soft skin touched yours.

Your eyes were locked with hers and the next kiss you shared wasn't passionate or steamy; it was soft and romantic.

"I'm sorry." She said as she kissed your forehead. "For everything."

"Me too, baby. I'm truly sorry." You replied.

She smiled as you cupped her cheeks and things started to become slow and loving, making you both melt.

Everything the night had held before becoming intimate just faded away as you lost yourselves in each other; happily.

You shared sweet and loving kisses and the touches of your fingers on her soft skin and hers on yours weren't out of need.

The anger was gone; long gone.

Now, everything was out of love; pure love.

And when it was over, after you both fell over the edge, she laid down beside you.

You turned onto your side to face her and reached over to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"We're okay?" You whispered.

She smiled as she brought your hand to her lips for a soft kiss.

"We're perfect, darling."

You moved closer so you could put your head on her chest and she gave you a few more loving kisses on your lips.

"Let's never argue again."

"Okay." You smiled. "I love you, Jenna."

"I love you too, Y/N," She whispered before pecking your lips a few more times.

She grabbed your hands and intertwined your fingers together as you stared into each other's eyes.

Everything was okay again.

And it always would be.

Jenna Ortega Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now