𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬/𝟎𝟑𝟑

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📍𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

It's been two months since i was in england. I literally facetimed ever day with Jesse. And he always updates me about the things that happen. He told me that the training for the Euros already started and that today is his last training before he gets vacations.

Jude and i texted from time to time. I facetimed him when he won against Man city or to wish him luck but that's it.

I am really excited to go visit him with the girls on friday for 2 week. I really missed him and i am so happy that we are going to spend that much time together.

I also promised his mom that we would come by and maybe do a shopping day together.

She is really sweet like she calls me once a week to ask me how i am and just to have a little chat with me.

Anyways today is Thursday and i need to pack my things and get a present for Jadon because next week on Thursday it will be his birthday.

Oh and i need to clean my apartment because the girls are sleeping at my place so we can all go together to the airport tomorrow.

Its like 11am and i need to get out of my bed. After 10 min i finally got my self out of the bed and took a shower.

I did my skincare routine and searched for a comfortable outfit to wear.
After that i made my self some breakfast and watched a show while eating.

I was chilling my life when i got a call from Jesse.

Jesse: Good morning
Me: Hey
Jesse: How are you?
Me: Good. Why are you calling me?
Jesse: To talk? Why are you so unmotivated?
Me: Because i need to do alot of things to day and i would rather sleep yk
Jesse: Oh poor kid
Me: Shut up
Jesse: So what are you buying Jadon?
Me: Idk you?
Jesse: Me and the boys are planning a big surprise.
Me: Tell me?
Jesse: Nop its a suprise
Me: Who is throwing the party?
Jesse: Reiss Nelson you know him?
Me: I think i heard of him but i never meet him.
Jesse: Aha he's Jadons best friend and throwing the party for him
Me: That's really cute.
Jesse: So i need to go to training but when do you and the girls arrive in England?
Me: I think 10am. While you come pick us up.
Jesse: Nah that's to early we will meet later at Judes place
Me: Alright dumbass see you tomorrow
Jesse: See you kido

I finished eating, made the dishes and started to clean my apartment.

While cleaning i was dancing and singing and just feeling my self.

After an hour i finally finished and made myself ready to go out.

45 min later
I finished getting ready and texted Adisa to pick me up. She said yes and i waited for her.

While waiting i posted some things on my instagram and just scrolled through reels.



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