𝟗 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐭.𝟏/𝟎𝟑𝟖

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,,wake up'' someone said into my ear and started to kiss my face.

I turned my head away and pulled the blanket over.

Me: give me 10min
Jude: Alright but just 10min

I cuddled my self back into judes arm and fell asleep again.

Jude pov
10min later i tried to wake her up but nothing worked. So i decided to go to the kitchen and get some food.

In the kitchen i met the girls. They were all eating some cereals.

Me: Hey
Them: Hey
Me: Can you guys do me a favour?
Emina: What?
Me: I need the house today.
Tirana: Why?
Me: Suprise for Adisa
Adya: Alright, we all have a date today anyway.
Me: Good but what should i do with Adisa?
Adya: Ask the boys if they can go out with her.
Me: Good idea thank you
Adya: I am gnius you don't need to thank me
Me: Hahahah shut up
We all started to laught

I quickly made some breakfast and brought it to my room.

I put it on the nightstand and tried to wake up Adisa again.

pov ended

I opened my eyes and see jude stairing at me.
I flinched
Me: Bro why are you looking at me like that you literally scared the shit out of me.
Jude: I was just trying to wake you up chill
Me: I can't chill my legs are hurting thanks to you
Jude: Your welcome
Me: Shut up
Jude: Next time just don't make me mad
Me: Do you really wanna have this conversation again.
Jude: After that round 2 last night a 3 round wouldn't be bad but i don't want the food to get cold.
Me: Aww you made us breakfast?
Jude: I made breakfast but who said that i made you one to?

I just looked at him with a shooked face and showed him my middle finger.

Jude: I am just joking i made breakfast for the two of us
Me: Your such a dickhead sometimes.
Jude: true but ik that you love this about me.
Me: Maybe
I turned my head away.

He came closer to me and turned my head back so that i would directly look into his eyes.

I tried to look away but i could because he was holding my chin.

Me: I didn't brush my teeth yet.
Jude: So?

He leaned in for a kiss.

We started to kiss eachother and i could literally feel his heart beat.

That even made me more excited. But after a few minutes we stopped.

Jude: Why did you stop?
Me: I am hungry

I leaned to the night stand and took the plates.

We both started to eat while watching let it shine.

Me: I can't believe that you never watched this movie.
Jude: Sorry that i didn't watch every disney movie like you did.
Me: I didn't watch every movie i just watched the classics and a little more.
Jude: That's what i mean.
Me: We need to make a disney marathon to give you some education.
Jude: Oh my days i will die.
Me: You're exaggerating, i will make you love disney
Jude: Meanwhile i will make love to you.
Me: Eww

We finished eating breakfast and i went to the kitchen to go wash the dishes.

Jude pov
While Adisa went washing the dishes i wrote into the boys group chat.

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