𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞/𝟎𝟓𝟖

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Before i went through the security check i turned around for the last time and saw Jude with a bouquet of flowers.

Sara: Wait what😧
She took a sip of the cooktail i made her and Emina started laughing.

Emina: He really thought that you would turn around like in those movies and go back to him.
Adya: Frr Adisa i am proud of you. You did the right thing.
Me: I know but i miss him.

My eyes startet to fill up with tears and i drowned my head into Adyas shoulder.

I cried

Like always.

The others came closer and hugged me.

Adya: Everything will be fine i promise, you will find someone that deserves you and knows how to treat you.
Me: What about Tirian?

I wiped my tears away

Emina: Forget about that stupid bitch i know that she was our best friend but a best friend would never stabbe a friends back. Agnesa was right the hole time frr.
Sara: Why don't we even have contact with her?
Adya: The only think i know is that Tirana had a fight with her and since then we all automatically stopped talking to her.
Me: We are literally all bitches i mean we were in a class with Angesa and ignored her for like 4 years she was always alone and had like 1 friend.
Emina: Now that you say it like that i fell so bad for her.
Me: We need to talk to her and ask her for forgiveness because she doesn't deserve that.
Adya: But how can we find her.
Emina: I pretty sure my mom has contact with her mom because they work at the same place am going to ask her.

The rest of the night we all cuddled together and watched alot and i mean alot of romcoms.

At 2 am the girls went home but i already fell asleep.

The next Day i woke up crying because i remembered that Jude will never wake up next to me again.

Then i went to the bathroom and remembered that i had alot of sex with him in the shower and started to cry again.

When i got out of the shower i realized that i am in my crying fase.

Everything reminds me of him even my hair or my mascara.


I just miss him and want him back even though he did what he did.

I want his proximity. I want to cuddle with him. I want that he compliments me and gives me comfort.

I went to the kitchen and got a spoon and ate a bucket of ice cream while watching a couple of movies.

I know its 8 am but still, my heart is broken and i need to be sad.

This hole month went like that. Every day was the same. I woke up and watched TV all day. I did not shave, wash my hair or even took a shower i was just feeling like a piece of shit all day long. But then I had to work, I behaved as if everything was fine except infront of Lupita.

I told her everything that happened and she was shocked.

The hole week she told me how he isn't worth it and that deserve something better and need a distraction.

So i went to the gym for 4 months straight.

I got active on my socials again and felt like my self. I still cried in the shower but i feel better then ever now.

I went out with the girls alot and my new routine was it to meet up with my family every sunday.

And then

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