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My name is Ryosuke.

I don't have a family name and live alone in a tiny apartment. My life has become dull. I don't even have the courage to go to college.
My room is like a wasteland, but who cares, I'm already too lazy to clean it up.

I was thinking about ending my life since I no longer see any reason to live.
But a certain person made me throw those thoughts away.
An idol.
A legend.
A goddess.
The center face of the latest idol group, B-Komachi: Ai.

She was the ideal girl, it's all in one! She has a nice figure, a talent for singing and dancing, and the face of a goddess.

She loved us, fans! I finally found my reason to live! I will devote my soul to Ai!

Time skip: 5 months

Yes!!! The new music video of B-Komachi has just dropped! God, I can't wait to see Ai's cute face again, I love her so much!

As I watch the video, colorful rays blasted throughout my dark apartment, almost like Ai erased the dullness that has contaminated my room.

"The face of a goddess..." I said to myself. I can't wait for the next music video to drop!

A notification popped out of my smartphone.

"What? B-Komachi is going to have a concert here? IN MY AREA? That's sick! I should get tickets right away!"
I blurted out.

I will do anything just to see Ai's cute face, I will devote my whole life to her.


A few days passed after the concert's announcement, I quickly rushed down from the apartment building and bought a ticket for the concert.

"Thank you! That will be ¥8,000." the cashier said to me. I took out my wallet, and I found out that I am this close to being broke. Whatever, I'll do anything to see Ai's face in person.

After the cashier handed me the fresh ticket, I overheard people talking about Ai.

"That girl? She's mid."
"I think their group started as an underground idol group."
"Their songs don't even sound good."
"Ai looks like a slut."

I spoke without thinking "How dare you talk about Ai like that?!?"

I lunged my fist through the guy that called Ai a slut.

"Dude? What's your problem?"

I froze in shock. "I-I-I'm sorry..."
I ran as fast as I can and went back to my apartment.
Damn you, Ryosuke, what has gotten into you! Just because someone called your favorite person a 'slut' doesn't mean you have to physically assault them!
"Heh, I hope I don't get reported to the authorities."


Two weeks passed, and tonight was the night before the concert. Another notification popped up:

"B-Komachi: Meet and Greet Hand-shake Event"

It'll take place after the concert...

If I get to the event on time I'll be able to shake Ai's hand!

I couldn't sleep that night, like every other night I just stayed up to watch more of Ai's music videos.


Today, Ai, together with B-Komachi will be performing in my area!! I literally cannot wait!!

I packed my stuff into my bag, grabbed some food and water from my fridge, and off I go to the concert venue. I came pretty early, but the venue was already crowded with fans!

I came here at 9 AM, and the concert is at 9 PM, guess I will have to wait amongst the vast number of fans here.


I checked my watch, "8:58 PM". The concert is about to start!

"Good evening, everyone! Tonight, we have B-Komachi up on the stage, performing their best songs for the night. They will be first performing the song:


Followed by:




That is all everyone, have a great night! B-Komachi, give it your best shot!"

The announcer said.


The concert was magical, colors were everywhere, and Ai was so dazzling upstage, I would understand why everyone would have a crush on her.

I swayed my red glowstick up in the air to my heart's content.

The crowd also sang the idol's songs, and a vast number of red glowsticks can be seen throughout the concert. It seems like everyone was enjoying this as well.

Truly, I will never forget this experience.


The concert was finished, but everyone didn't go home. There was still a meet-and-greet event coming up.

I got first in line, so of course, I chose Ai among all the other members.

"H-h-hello. M-m-my name is Ryosuke."

"Hey there! Did you have a great night?"


"That's great! I hope you come to our concerts more often!"
Ai grabbed me, and we shook hands.

I can't believe it, we shook hands! I will never, ever forget this happening!

"Next!" Ai called.


I went home, still flabbergasted about what happened.

"Ai shook my hand..."

After I got to my apartment, I didn't even bother to change, I slept like a baby.

Time skip: 2 months

I have been worshipping Ai for the past seven months, and life has been so much better.

I went downstairs from my apartment to buy bread for breakfast when a mysterious man with blond hair approached me.

"Hey, you're Ryosuke, right?" he asked.

I was confused.

"How do you know my name?"

"Doesn't matter, you're a hardcore fan of Ai, right? The center face of B-Komachi?"

"Yes, what about it? And you haven't answered my question, how do you-"

"And what if I told you that Ai, the Ai that you all know and love, is pregnant?"

My body was paralyzed.


Heyy, Jakko Collins here. This is my first time creating fan fiction and basically created this out of boredom. My best friend gave me this idea, so I said: "Why not". I'll probably make more chapters. Stay tuned!

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