02: ZAYD

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February, 2015

Abuja, Nigeria

"Ya Zayd! Ya Zayd! Ya Zayd!"

I am going to kill that little brat named Zafeenah. When Baba comes back home, we're going to have a conversation. I really need to move out of this house. Mama will kill me but at least I'll be able to sleep in peace when I decide to close early from work so I don't end up collapsing underneath the stress.

"Ya Zayd!"

I roll over in bed and open my eyes, fixing my stare on the closed door. If my guesses are right she's approaching Mas'ood's door which is a few feet away.

"Ya Zayd!"

My eyes narrow on the keys on the door and I try to remember if I locked it. I did lock in when I walked in, right?

"Ya Zayd, I'm coming in!"

The door hand moves and to my horror, the door opens. Zafeenah, the certified baby of the house and a brat on days like this, walks in with a wide grin on that beautiful face of hers that turns each and every one of us in this house to love-struck fools. Especially Mas'ood.

I blow out a breath and pull myself up. "Hey, Feenah."

She doesn't bother closing the door and I am too tired of going back and forth with her on this. Still dressed in her NTIC uniform, she jumps on my bed. Her foot narrowly misses the bedframe. Her grin widens even further. "Hi, ya Zayd! Did I wake you up?"

I want to lie but I can't find the energy. "You did. I wasn't too deep in yet so it's all good."

The guilty expression that had been forming on her face vanishes and her grin reappears. She's Mama's split image and it's funny how their resemblance stops right there. When it comes to character and behaviour, Zafeenah is the reincarnation of our paternal grandmother. It's no surprise she has Hajiya Muhibba Dantata wrapped around her finger even when they're states apart.

She leans forward, our faces not so far apart, and I have to smile at how cute she is up close. I sigh quietly. "You should get changed, Feenah. Aren't you supposed to visit the salon this evening with Aliyah? The wedding starts tomorrow and you don't want to be rushing up and down."

Her face falls and she moves away from me. "Adda left me. She went with ya Mas'ood. They're at the salon together and they are going to get ice-cream right after. Adda tace she couldn't wait for me so she pulled ya Mas'ood along."

Mas'ood is going to die tonight. Feenah sighs before she continues. "When I came in, Mama said you were around and that made me happy." With a bright smile, she leans in again. "So I came to see you because I missed you even though we saw ourselves this morning. How was work today, ya Zayd?"

I have to chuckle. I reach up out of habit to pat her cheek. "It was stressful, Feenah. Really, really stressful."

"I should leave you to sleep then. Sorry I disturbed. I hope I didn't make you consider moving out."

I keep my mouth shut and she grins devilishly. "Mama will never allow you, ya Zayd. You know that."

"Stop adding salt on my injury."

That brings a laugh out of her. "It's no one's fault. You had your chance to move out last year but you said you want to stay and keep enjoying Mama's food so live with it."

The breath that leaves me is one of frustration. She's right. I'm never going to hear the end of the decision I made at the dinner table. I blame Mama's cous-cous. It made me blind.

Feenah gets off the bed and removes her veil. As I suspected, her hair is as messy as a bird's nest. How she managed to pack it this morning, I have absolutely no idea. She unpacks the hair and the afro that's released doesn't look good. If Aliyah and Mas'ood are out already, there's no way she's going to get this hair done today if someone doesn't intervene.

By someone, I mean me. Mama is busy as it is and Baba is swamped deep in a project that's thankfully nearing completion.

I sigh, already tired. Feenah isn't going to go straight to the salon and come back. I can already picture the places she'll ask to go to. It makes me sigh again.


She's fumbling with her jacket. "Hmm?"

"Get dressed and let's go."

She raises her head. "To where?"

"The salon mana! Are you going to keep this hair until tomorrow?"

Her face lights up. It's not fair how she can be so cute. She wants to scream excitedly but she knows better. Mama will have both our heads for dinner.

She bounces on her feet like a bunny. "Nagode, ya Zayd! Let me go and change. You're the best brother!"

I snort. We all know she's Mas'ood's favourite and it's the same reversed. The way they dote on each other can be sometimes sickening which makes it more painful that he left her behind, picking Aliyah instead. Feenah is out of my room in record time and with another sigh, I get out of bed.

Getting changed is a blur and I grab my wallet and keys on the way out of the room. I meet Mama in the kitchen with Christopher, an unofficial member of the family who helps around the house. For a moment I simply watch Mama move around, completely in her element. She's the reason Mas'ood went into culinary arts and the reason why our stomachs are constantly treated luxuriously.

She notices me a minute later and she smiles. "You're awake?"

I nod, putting my hands in my pockets. "You can blame Feenah. I'm taking her to the salon. She needs to get her hair made."

Mama lets out a relieved breath and I don't blame her. "Thank you, Zayd. You just saved my life."

I chuckle. "You're welcome, Mama...Do you want anything? I can get it on our way back."

"Soy sauce, please. I forgot to tell Mas'ood."

"Sure...We'll be back soon In Shaa Allah."

"Toh. Stay safe."

I leave her to it and it doesn't take long for Zafeenah to come running down. When she says goodbye, we head out to the car and she happily gets into the front seat while I get behind the wheel.

Once her seatbelt is in place, she leans forward. "When we finish with the salon, can we go to Sahad? Ina so ice-cream so let's go to Coldstone too."

I pray for patience. "Feenah."


"Shut up."

She smiles like the brat she is. "Yes, sir!"

She knows I won't say no to her and I sincerely wish I can. One thing is for certain though: Mas'ood Dantata is going to die tonight and I'll be sure to hide his body.

"Ya Zayd, let me tell you what happened at school today."

I ease onto the expressway and my hand easily finds hers between the seats. I smile at how well our hands fit. It always does.

"Go on, Feenah. I'm listening."


In case you need translations to some words I use, please let me know. They are Hausa words, used commonly in Northern Nigeria. Mind you, I am from the southern part of the country but I stayed in the North for a little while.

I hope the story's okay so far, though. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

- Latifah

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