03: AMAL

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Decembers are usually for weddings. One thing about Halima is her constant desire for uniqueness which is why I'm back here in Nigeria in the near end of February for her wedding.

She's a family friend who is now more like a cousin so there's no way I could miss this. I'm tired and beat but what else is new when you're flying between continents in the middle of a semester in final year. I don't think any of my family members are worried much. They know I'm not going to fail. I can't even try it.

The air is dry. I certainly didn't miss Nigeria's harmattan even though it's a bit better than winter. The airport is busy so I quickly reclaim my baggage and head out. Baba said he'll be the one to pick me up and I can't help but wonder if he's going to come alone or with everyone else.

I spot my family almost immediately and I have to smile. Baba is fixated on his phone while Mama adjusts Mahmud's hair, a slight frown on her face while my lovely older brother looks resigned. I don't blame him. Mama never hesitates to touch his hair and she's the main reason why he keeps a well carved stubble on his face. She loves him with it.

Baba sights me first and his smile hits me square in the chest. "Amal!"

My smile widens and I pick up my pace, all of us meeting in the middle. Mahmud pulls me to him first and I instantly feel safe wrapped in his embrace. He kisses my head. "God, I missed you."

I chuckle against his chest as Mama and Baba expand the hug. "I missed you too. I missed all of you and I'm so glad I'm back."

It takes a long minute for us to pull apart and I grin when Mama cups my face in her hands. She sighs softly. "How was the flight, Amal?"

"It was exhausting." It really was. "The only good part was people I sat with. They're very lively women who had a lot of nice stories to tell. I would have introduced them to all of you but they're taking the next flight to Kano so..."

Mahmud takes my box from me and his hand finds mine. "Come on, Amal. Let's go."

Anyone looking will come to the same conclusion; that my brother missed me so much and he just wants to head home with me. Well, they're not wrong. Mahmud did miss me, I'm sure. However he is not a big fan of socialization and like I always say, it's another resemblance he has with Baba. Don't ask where I came from because I'm quite loud. I'm the loudest in the house and I'm proud of it.

The takeout pack in the backseat has me gasping and Baba chuckles before he says "We grabbed it on our way here. We didn't want a situation where you'll have to hold your hunger until we get back."

I scoot to the other end of the backseat so Mama can join me. Mahmud sits in front with Baba. "You people love me too much." I tell them. "Don't worry, I love you too."

Mahmud rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "Oh Amal."

I only chuckle. Throughout the ride to Mabushi, I fill them in on how school had been and the progress I've made on my thesis. They then fill me in on the new things that had come up and plans they had made; one of which is the decision to move into a new house Baba recently finished paying for.

I'm on the edge of the seat at that. "We're moving?!"

Baba nods. "Yes. As soon as the extension work that we requested for is completed, we're moving. It's still in Mabushi so it won't be much different compared to moving to a new area. You'll like it, Amal. I promise."

I don't doubt him. There's nothing wrong with our current house. It's just that Mama and Baba have since lost attachment to it and they've been joking about moving. I just didn't think they were actually going to go through with it this soon.

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