Getting Hurt & Visit to Asgard

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At noon they all board the S.H.I.E.L.D. jet headed for Europe, Jess sat at the back with her face turned to the window not really paying attention to the others talking.  She was lost in thought as she sensed someone take the seat next to her "Jessica may I speak with you?" it was Loki she turned to face him.

"Of course you can" she smiles at him as warmly as she can but her nerves are fighting a battle in her stomach, this is the first time she will be tested and she knows deep down she is probably not ready.  "Is something wrong Loki" she asks as he just watches her.

"Jessica I'm worried about you being here.  You and I both know that you are not really ready to go on a mission yet, far from it and I'm afraid that you may be put in a lot of pain because you're not ready".

Jess puts her hand on top of his and squeezes it "I'll admit that I'm scared I wouldn't be human if I wasn't but I know you will be there for me which makes me feel a lot better".

Before they can say any more Clint announces their arrival at the landing site.  Bruce and Tony set up the scanners and monitors tapping into the latest up to date S.H.I.E.L.D. information.  "Right Jess we need to get you into town" Steve talks to the others "who else is going and who is staying?"

"We all go" says Clint "we might need all hands for this one, our priority is not just to get him but to protect Jess as well" and with that they exit the jet for the walk into town.  A short time later they arrive in the city of Florence and split up, Loki insisting on going with Jess which she is grateful for.  They locate the hotel where Bragginski is allegedly hold up and sit at a table in the restaurant.  "Okay Jessica it's time" Loki says "hold my hand so I know that you're okay".

She slides her hand across the table to take Loki's as she tries to close her mind to everything around her, then taking one person at a time just as Loki has been teaching her, focuses on their thoughts trying to get information on Bragginski and his current whereabouts.  They have been trying for half an hour and Loki is starting to worry about the stress on Jess when she grips his hand tighter "I've got Bragginski he's sat at the bar".  She glances over "let's go to leave and stage an argument then I'll go over to where he is and you can leave before then coming back in disguise" she stands.   Loki looks unconvinced.  "The sooner we do this the better you will have to let the others know what is happening before coming back in.  Right let's go for it".  He stands and they walk off towards the door with Jess taking his hand, as they near the door she pulls away sharply raising her voice "no I'm not going with you, I won't let you use my talents you can't make me".

Loki glares at her leaning in towards her to whisper.  "I really hope you know what you are doing".

 Jess uses her telepathy to say sorry to Loki and he wonders why but then she strikes him across the face, before turning and walking away to the bar slumping into a seat two away from where Bragginski is.  "Whiskey" she says to the bar tender as he comes over "please" and watches as he pours her drink and puts it down in front of her.  She sighs deeply she hates the taste of whiskey but needs something because her nerves are threatening to snap.

"I think you upset your friend" a voice says from her left.

"He is no friend" she snaps taking a sip of her whiskey.

"Sorry, business associate then?"

"Nope wrong again".

"Sorry so maybe he is your husband or boyfriend?"

Jess laughs "miles off" she scoffs as her heart contracts thinking 'I wish' then stops herself 'focus you need to focus'.  She suddenly realises that Bragginski has moved to sit by her saying something that she didn't catch "sorry I didn't catch what you said I'm a bit too wound up".

Wishing He Was More Than A Friend (Loki/Avengers story)Where stories live. Discover now