From Asgard to Malibu

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Jess is amazed by the sheer size of the city and how beautiful the buildings are, they remind her so much of the old medieval buildings of England. Even the shops and the way the people are dressed reminds her of Shakespeare and Elizabethan times in her home country. Then as they walked they would come across young children playing with toys that were clearly so technologically advanced from anything on Earth that she would remember where she was. Loki took Jess to lunch at a tavern in the city before taking her to visit the Bifrost and introducing her to Heimdall.

They spent the next day exploring the palace itself and grounds before going for a ride Loki taking his own horse and Jess being allowed to ride what had been Frigga's horse. By the end of the week Jess felt fully recovered, she had been so happy this week Loki had been so affectionate and caring while holding back and not crossing any boundaries. Jess started to realise that no matter how hard she tried there was no getting away from the fact that she loved him and each day continued to fall deeper and deeper in love with him. Although it was something she promised herself she would never do she finds that she cannot stop herself, he filled her every thought whether awake or asleep.

Now as they lay in bed Jess wanted nothing more than to be able to give herself to him in the way he wanted. She knew he wanted her, it was unmistakable. Although he was able to control himself when awake each morning when they awoke Loki would quickly kiss her then go to the bathroom. Jess smiles as she recalls how when they would wake each morning with his leg wrapped over hers and his arousal pressed against her that he would pull away quickly, did he really think she hadn't noticed.

Jess moved in his arms so she could turn her head slightly to look at him as he lay there with his eyes closed "Jess darling will you please keep still".

"Sorry Loki I thought you were asleep".

Loki opened one eye to look at her "and just how may I ask, am I supposed to get to sleep when the beautiful woman I happen to have fallen in love with is lying in my arms in my bed and is constantly wriggling her body against mine?

Jess goes scarlet "I'm so sorry Loki" she stammers turning away "goodnight".

"Goodnight my love".

Next morning as they ate breakfast with Odin Thor approached them "when did you get back?" Loki asked.

"Father, Jess, Loki" he greeted them "I returned late last night" he said grabbing some food and starting to eat.

Jess felt her stomach lurch "does that mean it's time for me to go back?" She asked in a small voice.

"Yes Jess, not only is everyone missing you but Fury is now asking to see you".

Jess felt a lump in her throat "its okay Jess I will be with you, you will not do this alone" Loki says as he places his arm around her waist. It didn't matter she had lost her appetite for food now so she stood up.

"I'll go and get changed" she says leaving the room without another word.

"Loki she still looks pale is she well enough to go back?" Thor asks as soon as Jess has left.

"She seems much better but I still do not wish her to see Fury alone".

"I do not think he will allow you to stay in the meeting Loki".

"We shall see" and with that they excuse themselves from Odin and go to fetch Jess. Arriving at the Bifrost Heimdall bids them farewell as they leave and all too soon they are back in Jess's apartment in AvengersTower. Once alone Loki takes her into his arms "you are trembling Jess it will be okay I promise. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course what is it?"

"Will you allow me to ask Jarvis to open the partition between our apartments I would feel happier if I knew I could get to you easily if you needed me" he says.

Wishing He Was More Than A Friend (Loki/Avengers story)Where stories live. Discover now