Proposal Accepted

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They woke early the next day so that after breakfast they could get ready to attend Susie and Josh's wedding. At 10.30 they leave for the Church and Jess parks the car as they get out and she walks to the boot to get the bag containing the lucky horseshoe she has brought for Susie. As they start to walk towards the Church Loki turns to her "I need to tell you something before we go in."

"What is it?"

"The other day when Mark came" he pauses taking her hand "he backed off easily because I made a ring appear on your finger" he looked down at their hands "I'm sorry I should have told you straight away it's just that you seemed so upset I forgot."

She laughs "I really don't mind because it got rid of him I should be thanking you."

He takes her by the hand and leads her round to the side of the Church out of sight of the other guests "Jessica."

She looks at him surprised that he has used her full name for the first time in weeks "what is it Loki?"

He drops down on one knee and takes out a small black box from his pocket "will you marry me?" He looks up into her face unsure of himself for the first time in years.

"Loki, are you sure you truly want to marry me because if you do the answer is yes."

He stand and pulls her into his arms "oh yes Jess it is exactly what I want" he kisses her tenderly before taking the ring out of the box and placing it on her finger.

Jess looks down at her finger the engagement ring is a single diamond with two small emeralds to either side "when did you get this?"

"About a month but you were always so jittery I didn't want to ask in case I frightened you away."

"Oh Loki I love you" she says throwing her arms around his neck before they then enter the Church.

Susie and Josh's wedding goes off without a hitch until at the reception when Loki goes to get fresh drinks from the bar Mark approaches Jess. "So where did you find your boyfriend the word is that he's one of the Avengers?"

"None of your business" she replies then turns to walk off as Marks tries to wind her up.

"Which one is he the idiot in the Uncle Sam suit or the one who needs the iron suit?"

Jess can feel her temper starting to rise "Neither but just so you know I wouldn't mess with him if I were you."

"Thinks he's tough does he?"

"I don't think I know" Loki had arrived without either of them noticing. "Come outside and I'll gladly show you."

Jess puts her hand on Loki's arm to stop him as Mark says "its okay we'll be outside Jess I wouldn't spoil Susie's day, you stay here." He then turns to leave with Loki following him. As she watches them leave she makes a quick decision and follows anyway she is nervous that Mark will do something stupid to incite Loki's temper. Outside Loki and Mark walk round the side of the building and into the hotel grounds so as to be away from the windows all the time Mark taunted Loki.

"So you feel the need to prove yourself better than I in front of Jessica do you?" Loki asks his voice calm as he turns to face Mark, just as Jessica locates them in the grounds.

"No I'm just intrigued to see just how good S.H.E.I.L.D's Avengers really are. It seems all a lot of hot air to me." Mark takes a swing at Loki who doesn't flinch as his hand connects with his chest making Mark retract his hand and cradle it moaning in pain. "That's cheating you're wearing a breast plate of some sort."

"Cheating am I, I don't think so, you are a mere mortal unlike me and you are wrong about a lot of things" and with that Loki swishes his hand and a flash of green hits Mark in the chest knocking him from his feet. "I am Loki of Asgard, I am a God not a mere mortal like you, and you cannot hope to hurt me. You say you want to know who I really am then watch" and slowly Jess sees Loki turn completely blue, there are markings over his body lines of some sort and he has bright red eyes. Se had read about Loki's true Jothun form but had never seen it before, only glimpses of pale blue when he was angry. Marks eyes widen as he looks at Loki before turning to run to his car getting in and driving off. As Loki turns he sees Jess looking at him and his face drops "I'm sorry Jess I never meant for you to find out like this" he says as he changes back.

Wishing He Was More Than A Friend (Loki/Avengers story)Where stories live. Discover now