Together Finally

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Loki arrives in the back garden of a house he looks around the garden but doesn't see anyone so he puts his bag down and takes out the St Christopher that Jessica had given him. He puts it on before picking up his bag then looks back at the house, at the front of the house Jessica has just returned from her latest run totally exhausted. She leans against the wall by the side of the door as she reaches for her keys but her hands are shaking and she feels light headed, so that when she does get her keys out she immediately drops them. She bends down picking them up and enters the house just before Loki comes round the side of the house.

Loki takes a deep breath walks up to the house and knocks on the door but there is no answer which worries him as Heimdall had confirmed to him that Jess was here. He knocks again and when he gets no answer again he opens the door himself entering the house and then stopping to listen. He can hear someone moving around so he heads for where the noise is coming from. As he enters the kitchen he finds Jess by the island of cupboards in the middle of the room muttering to herself angrily under her breath oblivious to his presence.

"Jess darling why didn't you open the door?" his words make Jess jump.

She drops the glass of water she was holding and it crashes to the floor as she looks at Loki before dropping to the floor to clean the mess up "Loki what are you doing here you scared me."

Loki rushes forward dropping his bag "I'm so sorry but when I knocked on the front door you didn't answer although I knew you were here" he says stooping to help clear the mess. As Jess stands she feels light headed again and sinks to the floor. Picking her up in his arms Loki carries her through to the lounge lying her down on the sofa before returning to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. Now that the mess is cleaned up Loki looks down at the work surface of the island of cupboards noticing a number of packets of tablets. Back in the lounge he kneels down next to Jess placing his hand on her forehead to check her temperature before taking her hand in his stroking the back.

Slowly she starts to stir, her eyes flicker open as Loki smiles down at her "I never expected to see you again" she says sitting up.

He joins her on the sofa "Jess darling did you really not expect me to search for you on my return?"

She closes her eyes "you shouldn't have come, I'm too broken" Loki feels her hand trembling in his "I didn't hear you knock I was too busy trying to, to......." She pauses as tears threaten to start.

"Jessica you are not broken but I must ask why have you got so many packets of tablets out?" Jess tries to pull away from Loki but he pulls her closer as he realises what she was debating doing. "No Jessica you can't, this is not the answer" and he hugs her tightly and tilts her head "oh Jess my love you mean too much to me to just let you disappear like that" and he lightly kisses her lips. "Everything will be alright I promise, let me make a drink and we can sit and talk".

As Loki goes to put the kettle on there is a knock at the door and Jess goes to answer it. Loki hears a voice, he then hears Jess's voice "no Mark" she sounds angry so Loki follows her to the door. He finds her talking to a man who places his hand on her arm but she immediately pulls away from his touch.

"Jessica who is it?" he says walking up and placing his arm around her waist protectively as he senses how tense she is.

Feeling relief as she feels Loki holding her she leans back against his chest "Loki this is Mark he is an old friend from school, Mark this is Loki. Mark just came to see if I wanted to go with him to my friend Susie's wedding on Saturday, but as you can see Mark I already have a partner for the wedding."

Loki sees Mark's face drops as he eyes Loki with his arm round Jess "sorry but I got the impression from Susie that you were going on your own. I must have misunderstood." Loki picks up on the fact that Jess's friend is getting married and there is to be a ceremony which she is attending.

Wishing He Was More Than A Friend (Loki/Avengers story)Where stories live. Discover now