Chapter Two.

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"Mom we've for two days chill out with the.decorating nonsense" Corbin whined as she pushed him into.the living room. If I'm going to be perfectly honest , I would have been acting the same way.

But I'm not , because mom know.that I know how to decorate my own room and be an independent individual. Corbin cannot. She has been yelling at him all day to ask him what he wanted for his room and his simple ' I don't care' has thrown her over the edge.

"Corbin apenas dar o fora do meu rosto, seu irritante me para nenhum fim, Aria!" (Corbin just get the hell out of my face , your annoying me to no end , Aria!)

I laughed and got up , walking towards my mom.

Yeah ill give you a brief explanation on my family...

See my mom is Portuguese and my dad is black , a happy interracial couple who's family despise one another. My brother and me are the mix of the two but him looking more like my dad and me my mom.

I have long curly auburn hair and he was curly hair , but black. I have green eyes , and he has brown . The same when it comes to skin color so light you wouldn't be able to tell I was half black , but sadly now views.

So back to the story at hand.

"Yea mama ,I'm conning!" I yelled from my very spacious new room. I smiled at Corbin as I passed him knowing he would see it.

"Look your brother made me mad , so I need to let off steam , we are going shopping grab your phone" she said and I smiled. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone making sure nothing was out of place I ran down stairs and with my mom I was out the door.


"You would think he would act older , wouldn't you aria?" My mother went on . I nodded and rested my head on my hands. She would always complain when we went 'shopping . Usually in very fast tongue language.

I just smiled through the entire time nodding when it was necessary and vital. She looked at me and smiled , signalling me that it was time to actually go shopping.

"So how do you feel about going to a new place tomorrow?" She asked me . We were walking down a strip trying to find a decent store to shop in.

"Uh nervous , I just don't want to be the.weird one , but then I don't wanna be the overly preppy one who does anything to stay at the top you know?" I told her and she smiled.

"I wasn't either of those , baby , I was" she said and walked into a store." I was the girl that talked to everybody and everyone , didn't care about being the odd one out or the popular junky"

I looked at my mother and smiled. She was such a good thing in my life. I loved my mother like my best friend and that's a fact.

"Thanks mom , now I need clothes for school tomorrow" I said determined to make her proud and be the person I wanna be . She clapped and pulled me to the other half of the store and went to work.

After a couple hours of being in the the strip , we decided to go pick up some food from a local food place to make when we got home. It was getting pretty dark.outside c but the streets were still lightened up by street lights.

We got out food and went home , but as we walked to the front door we saw a note tapped to the door.

Hello new. Neighbors

Welcome to the neighborhood , it's so nice to have new ones here anyway I hope that we could possibly schedule some type of time we could all get together if you want .

The note ended with the person contact information and number. I looked at mom and she smiled obviously overly excited to meet new people .

But it's only to show off her talent as a designer and to make new friends.

"Mom your crazy" I laughed and opened the door. Her very loud laughter could be heard from miles away. And not a single person would dare to say anything.

Because she's scary.

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