Nuzi: Hanging Out, Yeah like what "Friends" do 🤭

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N wasn't always a Murder Drone, he was once an worker drone for the humans, both him, V and J all worked for humans, then Tessa re-made them, they all lost thier memory, V being Nice was out the window, did J change?

Now here N is, sleeping upside, he wasn't sleepy, just thinking about how to help Uzi with her issue.

N: "maybe if we worked on how her wings and tail works, everything should be fine" N didn't want to lose Uzi, She meant alot to Him, She was the first person to stand up for him, treating him like an person and not an object, Uzi was kind to N,N didn't want to lose someone again, like how he was attracted to....CYN

Uzi: "HEY N, YOU GOOD UP THERE!" N was snapped out of his day dream to look down at the Purple Goth Worker Drone

he gets down and lands right in front of her

N: "oh hey Uzi, what's up?" N asked trying not to show his worry for Uzi

Uzi: "nothing much, I think I figure out how to control my tail more, besides that I'm bored, I thought maybe you would like to hang out or know.." Uzi said while turning away from N, she was scared if maybe he suspected her tiny crush on him but wasn't gonna let some silly little Crush ruin her and N's friendship

N: "oh sure, I love doing anything, let's go back to the pod and hang out there, plus V should still be asleep" N walked along side Uzi as they made thier way to The pod.

Uzi sat down in a chair while N poked V's Face as if it was funny for N, V woke up and Started to yell at N

N found the yelling a bit not necessary.
Uzi found it annoying and it was upsetting Uzi

Uzi: "n doesn't deserve to be treated like that. He ass just playing with you, you didn't have to pull an b**ch move and yell at him. I don't understand what he sees in you"

V: "Don't never do that crap again, you hear me" V got up and walked out of the pod, probably looking for food

N stood beside Uzi, as V left the pod

N: "I don't get why shes gotta act this way...I wish she was her normal self I used to love-" N quickly covered his mouth as he cut himself off, his visor was showing 3 lines under each of his eyes as he stared down at the ground.

Uzi: "w..what did you just say n?" Uzi turned to look at The Murder Drone but he was busy looking down and covering his face "N, Seriously did I misheard something or not" Uzi got up and pulled his hands away from his face

N: "CRAP, CRAP, CRAP I SHOULDN'T KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT NOW SHES GONNA ASK ME WHO MY NEW CRUSH IS, I CAN'T TELL HER ITS....HER" N closed his eyes and kept trying to get out of her grasp

Uzi: "If you don't repeat what you just said, I'll punch you" uzi said while partly joking

She stopped trying as soon as a pair of lips crashed onto hers,leaving her in shock, it was.....N?!

N carefully held Uzi's Hands as His Lips danced with hers, he couldn't help himself, and he didn't care if she liked him back or not, he felt better, before he could let go, he felt Uzi holding his face and deeply the kiss.

they stayed like this for a good 5 minutes

Then N let go of Uzi, her visor was showing some blushing Lines and she grew an smile

Uzi: "I love you too N" N couldn't respond as Uzi fell onto his chest and cuddled with him, he didn't mind, he finding found the one for him

N: "good night. Uzi"

Uzi X N (For Nuzi Shippers) Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now