Nuzi: Uzi Gets Jealous

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Uzi doesn't normally put on the whole stereotype of girls where they are girly or show interest in people but that changed when she met N.

N was a Murder Drone, Made to kill worker drones but he Disliked doing that and began to hang out with other worker drones besides Uzi.

To Uzi this was fine, she wanted to destroy mankind, while N wanted to make new friends and enjoy himself.

But today, something snapped in Uzi, She saw one of her classmates making a love letter for someone, Uzi thought it was normal till she saw the Letter on the Love letter, it was a single Letter N, Uzi stood up and walked over to her classmate Rebecca.

"uh whatcha making there Bebecca" Uzi asked with a tint of anger

"Oh u-um hi...uzi? Was it, well this is for N, I kinda like him alot and was hoping-" Bebecca was cut off before she could finish her sentence, she was met with eyes of her fellow classmate 

"Let me make one thing fricking clear" Uzi began "N is completely off the limits, I saw him first. I befriended him first if anyone gets the chance to confess thier love to Him, THATS ME" Uzi was about to let the absolute solver out when she heard a gasped from before her.

Uzi quickly turned around to meet the eyes of a murder drone

N stood there with his visor showing alot of yellow lines under his eyes, beside his feet were scrapes and parts for Uzi's Railgun, but seems like he was there longer than normal.

Uzi backed away from poor Bebecca as she was about to run away before She gave the Letter to N, still hoping she had a chance with the Murder drone.

"N-n, umm whatever you heard from my mouth isn't true" Uzi said as her own visor showed Purple lines, She was watching his move when he regained consciousness, he ripped Rebecca's love letter into two and looked at Uzi.

Uzi got confused and covered her face, she was about to make a run for it when N, stopped her in her tracks, Pulling her close and keeping her tightly wrapped.

"U-uzi is it you like me?" N said as he didn't let her go for he felt if he let her go, someone else might take her, he would then of course kill that person right where they would stand

"Maybe...but you like V...remember" Uzi said with a bit of sadness

"I did, but after seeing how she treats everyone, I don't need that in my life...i..I need you Uzi" N Said bringing Uzi's Face up to his and leaving a sweet kiss on her lips.

They pulled away and blushed deeply, N let Uzi go and held her hand, as they picked up the scraps and parts that N found earlier that day.

"So tell me, were you gonna kill Bebecca over me" N giggled as he asked Uzi that

"Only if you accepted her, Plus if I was in the same boat with someone gonna confess to me, would you do the same?c Uzi said walking out the door with N Following behind her.

"I wouldn't let that Drone live for much long if they did" N said trying to act Innocent but his tone had a bit of Jealously in it 

The two drones giggled and made their way out to Uzi's house.

Uzi X N (For Nuzi Shippers) Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now