8. Unexpected

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After dropping Aurelia at the cafe I drove back to my office to analyse some paperwork

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After dropping Aurelia at the cafe I drove back to my office to analyse some paperwork.

When I heard a knock on my door and when I looked up it was my assistant, Samantha? Amara? Or whatever her name comes into my office.

"Sir, We got a-" She started but I cut her off.

"What did I tell you about entering my office without permission?" I raised my brow still analysing the paperwork in front of me.

"Sorry sir" She spoke with a shaky voice.

"Speak" I ordered now looking at the terrified look on her face.

"We received an e-mail about a babysitting job" She said not daring to look me in the eye.

"Schedule a meeting with them at the nearest cafe," I said.

"Yes sir," She wrote something down on her iPad

"What are you waiting for? A cookie?" I raised my brow as she apologized leaving my office.

I sighed running a hand through my wavy dirty blonde hair.


I fixed my suit impatiently waiting for this so-called babysitter Samatha was talking about yesterday, that am supposed to meet in this cafe.

While waiting I spotted a specific dark-haired lady walk in looking around the place when we locked eyes.

Annoyed, she rolled her eyes before going over to my table.

"Why are you everywhere? Are you some kind of stalker? Yea, you definitely are" She answered her question.

"Good day to you too, Aurelia" I smiled

"So what? You are not calling me Mon amour anymore?" She raised a brow surprised.

"Do you want me to?" I asked with a smirk watching the tip of her nose grow red.

"Shut up" She muttered

"Anyways what brings you to this side of town, Your apartment is quite far from here" I stated

"I am supposed to be meeting with Mr Pierre" She answered

"Is there a reason why?" I asked with curiosity.

"I applied for her a babysitting job and he suggested we meet here" she explained. And a cheeky smile made its way to my face.

"Have a sit then Ms Gold" I stood up pulling the chair out for her.

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