27. Touch her n' die

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I watched Ethan struggle to put up the decorations, with annoyance radiating off me

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I watched Ethan struggle to put up the decorations, with annoyance radiating off me.

I didn't realize putting on a few decorations, would be difficult for a 23-year-old man" I let the sarcasm slip off my tongue.

A few decorations? looks like we are hosting a fucking la Fête Nationale celebration" He rolled his eyes.

Just shut up and force on making his place look good, I want to really surprise her when she gets here"

Ethan is about to give me a snarky response but his phone goes off, by the sheepish smile on his face I could tell it was Melanie.

He takes a B-line straight to the bathroom answering his phone. "Hey Baby" I almost cringe at the tone of his voice.

Not even a minute passes by and Ethan comes bursting out of the bathroom, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon"

My brows form a frown at the sudden, change of mood. Ethan rushes to grab our coats, throwing mine at me while trying to slip his own and end the call with Melanie.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked,

"It's Aurelia" Is all he says and my whole body trembles, what is wrong with her? did something happen? Is she hurt? 

I didn't ask any questions, instead, i straight for the door, in a matter of minutes, me and Ethan are pulling up.

Ethan filled me in on the drive there, And to put it in simple words am going to kill the fucker.

We arrived and we immediately spotted Melanie and Arny, arguing. Ethan, without hesitation, throws a punch at Arny.

"What the fuck did you just say to my girlfriend?" I heard the pure rage in Ethan's voice. I didn't bother to even look in Arny's direction or care what he said my main focus was Aurelia and she was nowhere to be found.

I raced to Melanie who watched in horror as Ethan beat up Arny, "Where is she?" My voice came out harsh.

She flinched at my tone, but I couldn't care less, "She is still in the car" she answered.

My head spun my eyes in search of whatever car they might talking about. I stopped when I saw a dark green car opposite the road. Through the window I could see Aurelia, her head bent looking at her thighs, her hair covering her face.

My legs moved before my brain could process its actions. I flung the car door open.

"Aurelia?" I called, lowering my voice.

She slowly looked up at me, and a tear fell down her eye. "You're here" Her voice was barely heard.

"Of course, I am, baby" I used my thumb to wipe her tears, "I told you I wasn't going to leave you".


I took a pull of my cigarette that danced between my fingers, "Want some?" I asked with a torturing smile.

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