13.Akward Silnces.

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I pulled into the driveway of the club Aurelia works at

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I pulled into the driveway of the club Aurelia works at.

She doesn't realize I know she works here, and I wasn't going to tell her I knew.

If she wanted me to know she would have told me and I wasn't going to disrespect her by telling her I knew.

I entered the liquor-polluted air, immediately spotting Aurelia, in a white-laced lingerie.

And a white mask covering her face, my eyes wandered her body, studying every curve.

The things I how to do to that body of hers, if had it in my bed under my body.

My sweet imagination was ruined when Lewis took a sit next to me at the bar where I was carefully stalking Aurelia from a distance.

"Hey boss" He greeted.

"Don't call me that" I scowled when I could no longer find Aurelia in the crowded Club.

"Ok, Mr. Pierre can I ask a question?" He sounded hesitant.

"Go ahead" I said still searching for Aurelia.

"Why are you here?" He asked making my head snap to him.

"I opened the club, don't I? I can come here whenever I want" I told him.

"What I mean is you have been coming here more than you usually do, before you only came once in 2 months to check how things are but lately you here every weekend, so I guess my question is why is that?" He explained, but I wasn't paying attention because I had finally found Aurelia and we locked eyes for a beat before he looked away to sever a table.

"What I do and the reasons behind them are none of your business, Lewis" I fake smiled at him.

I went back to stalking Aurelia when I noticed her sneaking out of the Club wearing a robe to cover the sexy ass lingerie she had on but the look on her face Immediately alerted me that something was off.

So I one last sip of my drink before following behind her.

I saw her walk down into an ally, taking off her mask with an anxious look on her face, while I quietly crept behind her.

I waited a few seconds debuting following her or not but when I heard her muffed screaming I jumped out to see the same guy I had warned to not come between the 50-meter radius of her with one hand on his neck and the other on her mouth to muffle her screams.

Without hesitation, I pushed Him away from her smashing his face into a wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man spat as he held his hand up to the side of his face which was bleeding.

"Noah, what the fuck are you doing here?" Aurelia asked from behind me still coughing.

Ignoring her question, I used my elbow to hit his jaw causing it to move out of place.

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