26. Favour's

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I watched the smile grow on Melanie's face as my patience grew thin, she took a long slip of her milkshake, before clearing her throat

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I watched the smile grow on Melanie's face as my patience grew thin, she took a long slip of her milkshake, before clearing her throat.

"Am delighted to hear the great Noah Pierre need my help" She beamed.
I already regret this.

"I don't exactly need your help, I just need a favour" I forced a smile.

She arched her brow at me, before taking another long slip of her milkshake, "What if I don't want to do it?"

"You don't even know what I was going to ask" I almost rolled my eyes.

"But I know it's something concerning my best friend that your trying to win over" she said triumphantly. " And if it's, not helping. If you really want her you gonna go all the hard work."

"Why the hell does Ethan even like you?" I sighed, closing my eyes for a second.

"Could say the same about you, I don't see what lia see in..." she paused looking for the right word, "well in whatever you are"

I took a breath, "Well, am not here to ask to help win Aurelia over, because I've already won. she confessed her feelings" I wasn't the petty, but if she wanted to get petty I can get petty.

"Really? Oh my G-" the excitement on her face paused, she regained her posture "what's her favourite colour?" She rushed the question.

"Red" I relaxed into my chair.

"Her to-go drink?" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Caramel latte at Starbucks, but if we are talking energy drink, the green, red bull" I answered with no difficulty.
I always saw her drinking either one.

"Her comfort movie?" Her raised her brow, with a grin

"Frozen. Her favourite character is Olaf and her favourite song in the movie is 'long is an open door" i victoriously took a slip of my own milkshake when her open her mouth then closed it.

Aurelia and Louisa would sing and dance to the song almost every night, at this point I have the lyrics craved into my brain.

"Her comfort clothes?" She narrowed her, hazel eyes.

"Oversized hoodie or shirt, fluffy socks that go up to her knees, specifically hello kitty socks" I confidently responded.

"What was her first pet? And what was its name?" Her smile grew, when I didn't reply
"You are no good for my best friend" she huffed

"You can't do that, I didn't survey you when you started dating Ethan" I resorted.

"Oh well, nothing you can do about that now" she shrugged

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