18. One Dance

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I heard the door click, making my eyes dart up to Aurelia's door opening

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I heard the door click, making my eyes dart up to Aurelia's door opening. She stepped out I swear my heart skipped multiple beats.

She had on a bright red dress that hugged her curves, with a low cut neck giving me a clear view of her cleavage, Her short dark hair fell with loose curls and dark red lipstick over her full lips. Fuck.

"Am ready" She smiled, showing her little dimple on her left cheek, "Are you...okay?" She turned her head to the side, "Your face is red" She pointed out.

"No yeah, am fine. Completely fine" I stood up from the couch not being able to take my eyes off her cleavage, A grin made its her face when she noticed where my eyes staring.

"See something you like, Carino?" Her Cuban-Spanish accent came through as she bast her lashes at me. I sucked in a quick breath trying my calm my friend down there.

"Carino?" I questioned, Finally looking up to her jade eyes.

"I figured it only fair I give you a nickname as well" She smiled, and I rubbed my tongue on the side of my mouth.

If I said or did anything the things in my head, We won't make it to the club and her dress would be on the floor.

"Let's go" I turned opening the door for her, Which was a big mistake Because when she walked in front of me I noticed the back of the dress was an open back and the dress was barely long enough to cover anything, leaving her ass hanging out.

This is going to be a long night.


We entered the club full of people dancing and the smell of liquor, filled the air. My eyes darted to the dark-haired lady who had a large smile on her face.

"Am going go get a drink" She ran off the bar, I sucked in a breath trying to not look at her back as she walked off.

I took another minute to relax my little friend because he kept pushing against my zip the whole drive here. After taking another breath I went to the bar where I caught The bartender flirting with Aurelia.

"What can I get for you today?" He eyed her cleavage as she scanned the menu. My jaw flexed at the sight of my other man eyeing her.

"I was looking for you where did you run off to?" I put my arm possessively around her.

"I told you I was see going to get a drink" She looked up at me but I was too busy glaring at the bartender. 

"What do you want, Mon amour?" I moved my hands down to her lower back, dragging her closer to me. She scanned the menu completely unaware of the way my body burns at the sight of her.

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