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Chiara's POV:

I wake up to someone knocking on my door. "There goes my sleep", I mumble to myself.

"Yes, come in", I groan.

I saw Marcello walk into my room in his school uniform.

"Hey, morning, dad asked to talk to you in his office, be there in 10 minutes. Not a minute late or early. Dad's very particular when it comes to timing", Marcello explained.

"What time is it?", I say half awake.

"8:27am to be exact"

"Noo it's too early, tell dad I'm too busy sleeping"

"Nope, can't do that. You gotta wake up before I grab a bucket of cold water and chuck it all over you", Marcello grinned.

"Fine whatever, I'm awake!"

"Good", Marcello said before leaving my room going off to school.

I go to the toilet and do my business. I then brushed my teeth and went to have a shower. The hot water running down my back felt like I was in heaven.

I got changed hurrying out of my room to go to dad's office before I'm late.

I finally got to dad's office and I checked the time, one more minute before I can enter.

I might as well wait and not wonder off. I leaned my back against the door watching the seconds tick away.

Just as it hit 8:37AM I felt my whole body leaning backwards. I saw the door slowly open, betraying me as I fell to the ground.

I saw Vincenzo staring at me trying hard not to laugh his head off.

"Shut up, it's not funny", I frown brushing the imaginary dirt off my clothes.

They don't need to know it's imaginary dirt.

"Are you alright?", Vincenzo asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a very important meeting to attend to. So off you go.", I say trying to intimidate him. It was clear he could see right through my act as he laughed in my face.


"Alright bossy, enjoy your meeting", Vincenzo giggled as he closed the door.

I looked around the room and most of the furniture was black except the floor which were a mahogany colour.

"Sit down love", dad said gently

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"Sit down love", dad said gently.

I pulled the chair under the table, which was also black. Surprise, suprise.

"Sorry for calling you in this early, I just wanted to tell you that you're going out on a shopping spree today with your brother, Vincenzo. Since you've been wearing your brothers' clothes for the past few days, you should probably get some clothes for yourself. You also need a new phone so that you can have all our numbers, vincenzo's waiting for you in the living room so once you're ready, you can go."

"Thanks dad, how much is the budget? I don't wanna overspend", I ask.

I'm so excited, I can't believe I can finally get new clothes. I've been smelling like cologne for the past few days.

"Don't worry about the money, we'll take care of it Chiara. I also wanted to discuss some rules, these rules apply to everyone in here."

I can't help but panic, I don't want to accidentally break the rules and get a punishment.

"Don't panic, the rules are simple.
1. No cursing, it's strictly prohibited.

2. Respect goes both ways, if one respects you, you must respect them back.

3. Tell atleast one of your brothers or me before leaving the house.

4. No boyfriends

5. Don't go into the basement. Ever!
I know you won't break any of these rules so no need to talk about the punishments.", Dad stated.

That wasn't that bad, although I don't understand why I can't go into the basement.

"How come I can't go to the basement?"

"It has important documents", Dad's voice immediately turned hard and not gentle like before.

"Ok, thanks for the shopping spree dad!", I gave him a big smile, thanking him and I left.

I went to my room to brush my hair since it was all messy. I didn't expect to be going out so I didn't bother brushing it.

I had no choice but to wear my brother's hoodie and sweatpants to go out and shop. Atleast today's gonna be the last day of me doing that.
Damien's POV:

Once Chiara left my office, I got my phone out texting the family groupchat.

"Boys, don't talk about what happened yesterday, I don't think she remembers. It's a good thing she doesn't remember us being in the mafia. Also, don't tell her that we know what happened to her. We need to let her trust us. She needs to tell us herself. We can't pry it out of her.", I type out.

I hit the send button waiting for everyone to respond.

I wish Dante welcomed Chiara and not attack bloody her. Even after he knew that the girl he attacked was his sister, he still chose not to apologise.

I should be angry at him but I can't since his actions were the reason we found out about chiara's struggles and pain when she lived with Emma.

He'll probably be home by the end of the day, if he isn't willing to apologise to Chiara, I'll make him, I promise myself.

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