Family Bonding Time

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Christian's POV:

I wake up to sounds coming from upstairs. I feel my limbs being chained up restricting me from movement. Crap, I'm held hostage in a basement.

Where's Chiara? I look around to see if there's another figure dangling from the ceiling next to me. Much to my dismay, no one. Just me.

She must be in another cell near me. I really hope she is. "Chiara!", I yell out.


"Can anybody hear me?", I question.

"Shut up man!", I hear a hoarse voice. Probably another prisoner.

"Did you see a young girl in here?", I ask in desperation. I need to know she's safe.

"No, now shut up. You're not the only person who crossed the line with them. I don't care about what happened to your girlfriend!", The man seethed.

God, she's missing. What if they killed her?

I decided to keep my mouth shut and wait to see who captured me. Whoever they are, my father won't be happy about it. Kidnapping the heir to the Dawson mafia, smart move. not.

My great-grandfather was the founder of the Dawson mafia. It gets passed down to which son most fits the position of Don.

Either my brother or I will be the don. So far we have completed one test and I passed whereas Luke failed.

My eyes started becoming heavy making me close my eyes. Within minutes I could feel myself fall back to sleep. I hope your safe, Chiara.
Chiara's POV:

After a mediocre night of sleep, I go downstairs to the kitchen to see everyone already at the table. I give everyone a glare, especially Marcello before sitting down at my designated seat.

"Chiara, we need to talk", My dad started.

"You start", my dad spoke, looking at me.

"Well, it started when Marcello yelled at me saying how Chris is going to bring me nothing but chaos and pain. How could he say such a thing? The next morning he wouldn't let me in his car. I was almost late to school which would've gotten me a detention. So I decided to key his car. I understand that that wasn't the best solution but how is kidnapping any better?"

"Marcello, tell me your side of the story", Vincenzo pointed to my brother.

"Christian will always bring you chaos and pain, I've got no doubt about that. And I didn't take you to school in my car since you said you hated me. Why would you need to get a car ride to school if you hate me? You would want to avoid me, not need help. I told you to apologize and I'll let you in. You chose not to and decided to key my car instead. After that blue food colouring situation and keying my car, I wanted to give you a little scare. That's all!", Marcello explained.

I sighed in frustration knowing he was right. I've been so horrible towards him. I've been acting so unreasonable.

"I'm really sorry", I say.

"I never knew how things were from your perspective. I'm sorry for being such a crap sister. I'll make it up to you, I swear", I apologize.

"That's okay. I forgive you, Chi. This time", I roll my eyes at Marcello's nickname for me.

"We need to talk about something else", My dad said with a stern voice.

"What's wrong now?", I ask playfully.

"You told me you were going to Primark with Rylee. So why did I see Christian Dawson accompanying you?"

My heart immediately started beating faster knowing that I have been caught.

"I asked Rylee if she was free to hang out with me but she said she was busy and Christian must have overheard me and said he's able to come. I felt bad for turning him down so I agreed", I lied.

Everyone's face stiffened when I said his name. I looked down at the floor since I couldn't bear seeing their faces filled with rage and disappointment.

"If I ever find out about you two interacting ever again It won't end well. For the both of you", My dad roared.

I let out a small sorry before running up to my room. Leaving my untouched breakfast at the dining table.
Vincenzo POV:

I saw Chiara running back up to her room. She didn't even have a bite of her breakfast. I'm going to have to bring her some more later.

"Don't you think you were being a bit harsh on Chiara?", I question.

"I can't keep treating her like a princess and let her do whatever she wants, can I? I've done that and she ruined Marcello's car and is fraternizing with our enemy. She needs to learn who and who not to befriend", My father shouts.

"Can we go do our little family bonding now?", Enzo whines.

"Quit your whining", Dante mutters.

"But I wanna go, please!", Enzo huffs.

"Some of us are still eating, stop being impatient", I respond.

After five minutes, we all make ourselves down to the basement.

My eyes land on Christian and my mood changes. He's wide awake and looking right back at us with a shocked expression.

"My father will-''

"Kill us, I know. Spare us the threats", I grinned before punching him in the stomach.

He let out a loud groan, blood spilling out from his mouth.

"We warned you last time to leave Chiara alone. We all know what your trying to do. Make her trust you enough and then kill her", I spat.

I grabbed my knife and plunged it into his thigh. That will surely leave a scar. Blood started leaking out of his thigh, it dripped down to his shin, all the way down his toes and leaving drops on the floor.

A grab a couple cigarettes and lit them, I put them out on his stomach. Leaving black burns all over.

He doesn't make a sound. No screams, no yells, no tears. I can assure you he'll be wailing in pain once he's finished with us all.

I walk out of the basement feeling satisfied. I decide to make Chiara some more breakfast. She must be starving.

I grab two slices of bread placing them in the toaster. I made her some scrambled eggs whilst waiting for the bread to turn into toast.

Once the eggs were finished, I grab the toast and applied butter on one of them and strawberry jam on the other. I place them on a plate and walked to her room.

I knocked on the door and I heard a faint come in.

"Hey, I made you some breakfast. I realized you didn't have any. Also I want you to ignore what dad said. He's just being protective", I reassure.

"Thanks Vinnie!", She grabbed the plate from my hands and went back to her bed.

After Chiara devouring her toast we both heard a loud scream. That caused Chiara dropping her eggs to the ground. We both made eye contact and heard another scream.

My sister ran out of her room, following the scream.

And that's when the panic set in.

She's going to find out about Christian in the basement. We're going to have to tell her everything. This is not how I wanted her to know about our lifestyle.

Everything is going to be ruined.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I had loads of free time today so I decided to give you a suprise chapter :)

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