Chapter 3: When it all goes wrong

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Lucy POV:

"I'm serious John, I don't think this place is right for her!"

"You can't stop her Lucy, she may be you're younger sister but she's a 25 year old woman, you can't dictate what she does. I'm sorry"

Nolan and I have been back and forth arguing for about 10 minutes before this, but now he's walked away. I get what he means but I'm just looking out for Lexi, I mean, she already has mental health issues, why take a stressful job? But I guess Nolan is right, I can't stop her.

I get up and walk towards Tim, deciding it best to voice my worries to him, when-

Alexis POV:

I walk out of the locker room after changing out of my puke covered uniform, god I hate DUIs, when I see Lucy beelining towards Tim. I like to think I know my sister well and by the look on her face, she's about to say something about me to him, and knowing her, it won't be good. I walk quickly towards Tim, getting to him just as Lucy does.

"Hey, can we talk?-"
"Ready to go?-"

"Oh sorry, um I'll talk to you later Tim?" Lucy says, as I stare at her with a cold expression.

"Yeah sure?" Tim replies as she walks away. He turns to me with confusion and I roll my eyes and tell him ill talk to him about it when we get into the shop.

Tim and I are back on patrol and he asks,
"So, any idea what Chen wants?"

I sigh and reply,
"Yeah I think I do. Lucy has never liked the idea of me being a cop, I've wanted to do this my entire life but, because she's older, she got there first. So now she thinks that I'm going to steal her thunder. She'll probably use my history against me, which, if you've read my file, you'll know and if you want to ask, I'm not gonna stop you, I'll answer the questions."

Tim stays quiet for a moment, clearly processing everything I just blurted at him. He then turns to me and says,
"Well, I have read you're file, and I know you're history of mental illness, and I do have questions but they are not best suited for right now, but whatever Chen tries to say about you, isn't going to do anything. I think you're gonna be a great cop one day Diaz, and only you can aid that."

I look at him silently, trying my hardest not to let a tear fall, before turning away quickly to wipe the tear that evaded me.


"Good Job today boot, see you tomorrow."

Diaz nods before walking away and I turn to see Chen stood in front of me. Right, she wanted to moan to me about Lexi.

"Hey Tim, can we talk now? It's about Lex."

"Sure" I say with a sigh, knowing this is going to be boring to listen to.

"You're Lexi's TO so I thought it best to talk to you about this. Lexi is my younger sister and I love her to the ends of the earth, but I just don't think this job is right for her. I mean, not only because of her history with her mental health, but also her personality. She's not a strong person-"

"Lucy. Just stop. I know she's your sister but Lexi is a strong, independent woman who can do what she likes. In my opinion, she's going to go far here, no matter what she's faced with. You may be her sister but I ride with her in work hours, she's incredible out in the field and she can handle herself better than you think."

"But I-"

"No Lucy. This conversation is over. If you have a REAL concern, take it up with Grey, but remember, if you ruin her chance here, she will never forgive you."

I sigh at her again, before walking away. I just hope she gets the message and doesn't ruin this for Lexi, because she is an amazing cop already.


I open the door to my apartment and walk in, throwing my keys on the side and closing the door again behind me. I go to my room to change out of my uniform, and just as I pull my shirt over my head my phone buzzes, SGT Grey calling.




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