Chapter 14: Coffee and Prepping

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Yawning I stretched against Katsuki who was holding me against him barely awake. after many many orgasms, my legs were still a bit sore from it all, we both had passed out curled around each other
"Ohh KittyKat" I murmured my hands brushing through his hair he grumbled something that sounded like five more minutes
"Nope I'm awake now, let's go get coffee?" I laughed he growled low and rolled pinning ms down on the bed
"Five more minutes" he rumbled sleep thick in his voice making it more growly I smiled and pulled his face to me kissing him gently
"Coffee" I whispered against his lips he huffed in defeat and rolled over again letting me get up
"Fine, get dressed dumbass gimme a second" he grumbled and i smiled again brushing my lips across his he growled hand on my hip "keep that up and we'll never leave this room" he growled and I smirked on his lips enjoying the fact i could rile him up so easily.
"Nope, we've got plans, obligations really, no rest day for you Mr Bakugou" i teased as i ran your hands down his chiseled chest he growled again a hand closing on your descending hand
"Babe I'm not fucking playing, one of these days your gonna write a check your cute little ass can't cash" he whispered as he pulled my hand lower to feel his bulge i smiled and traced the tip with my finger
"Awe you called me cute, your so sweet Kitty. And don't worry I'm using your checkbook not mine" i whispered back and he shivered as i ran my hand down him.
After a good but slow start to our morning and a new throbbing in my legs we both got dressed for the day not caring what we wore since we were gonna be changing anyways i just threw a pair of low-rise jeans and Katsukis hoodie on over my bra he was smirking at me wearing His clothes, and i knew though he complained, he loved it when i stole his shirts hoodies and sweats
"Come on kitty, your girl needs coffee" I said lightly as I linked our hands together he wrapped his arm around my shoulders holding me tucked in his side as we left my dorm together and went downstairs. A few early risers were hanging in the commons Deku and Idia were flipping through the TV trying to choose something to watch
"Goodmorning (y/n), kaachan" Deku said with a smile and a wave, I smiled back while Katsuki growled low
"Damn nerd leave my girlfriend alone" katsuki threatened, I smiled and squeezed his hand
"Come on Kitty you promised someone you'd get them coffee" I said smiling at the boy as he glared at Deku who was sputtering at the nickname i got away with calling the angry boy
"He let's you call him that!" He exclaimed at me turning to watch us walking to the door
"My girl can call me whatever the fuck she wants YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH IT DAMN DEKU!" Katsuki yelled the last bit and i tugged his ear sharply making him wince and look down at me.
"Please Kitty no coffee here" i indicated my hand then "no yelling here" I finished in a whisper my fingers brushing his lips, he nipped my finger and smirked as he pulled me to the door, opening it.
"Your lucky you damn nerd that she needs coffee or I'd kill you" Katsuki threatened, but didn't yell I smiled and finished tugging the grump out the door eager to get my morning fix of caffeine
"Thank you KittyKat" I said squeezing his hand before ducking out of his arms to skip down the walkway heading towards my favorite coffee shop in a sing-song voice said"Kitty gonna get me coffee, oh yummy coffee, my Kittykat is the best, yes he is" I turned around as I sung watching his eyes spark with anger at first then ending in a smirk
"Damn right I'm the best, dragging me out of bed at the ass Crack of dawn for your fucking coffee" he said and I smiled turning the corner and stepping up to the coffee stand
"Oh (y/n) hey, been a second! Want your usual cutie" the guy behind the counter asked i batted your eyelashes with a smile growing at the boy his name was Toku and he had been working here as long as I had been coming here
"Why yes I do, and get this grump stomping here a redbull special while your at it" I said pointing to Katsuki "hmm a purple surprise"(it's a flavor at my coffee stand like boysenberry and the surprise is a random fruity flavor they put in) I added glancing at the boy that had just reached my side
"Oi dumbass what did you order me" he grumbled. I shrugged leaning to the side to dodge his hand reaching out to smack the back of my head
"Nope not telling" I said smirking as he growled turning towards me and he reached out trying to grab my arm but i danced away again smile growing
"Grr ima kill you" he growled out as he swiped for me again and again trying to grab me while I dodged
"Hey man, back off, you hurt her and I'll call the cops" Toku said the warning in his voice and i couldn't help but laugh as Katsuki spun to the man explosions going off in his hands
"MIND YOUR DAMNED BUISNESS ASSHAT ILL TALK TO MY GIRL HOWEVER THE FUCK I WANT, WANNA DIE" he yelled and Toku was looking very concerned fore now as I was doubled over laughing
"Kitty what'd I say about yelling so early" I gasped out between giggles and he spun back to me glaring harshly making me lose what little composure i had gained "Toku its fine, he would never hurt little ol me, he's just a bit rough round the edges and grumpy I pulled him out of bed for coffee" I managed to say holding my side as a stitch formed from all the laughing
"If you say so (y/n) but if the asshole ever hurts you, don't hesitate to call for help" he said slowly and i started laughing again wrapping your arm around Katsukis arm
"Please if he ever tries to hurt me, it'll be the last thing he does. I promise he's really sweet, isn't that right KittyKat" i directed the last part to him a big grin on my face as i poked his cheek he looked away
"I'm not fucking sweet, and stop calling me that in public its fucking embarrassing" he muttered his cheeks pink
"Awe what happened to 'oh my girl can call me whatever she wants' eh i want him back" you asked dropping your voice down to a deep register mimicking him. His cheeks turned red. he glared at the ground and pulled his wallet out as our drinks were put on the counter with Toku still eyeing us warily i gave him a smile and a wave as i linked hands with Katsuki walking back towards school
"You me whatever you want... you know" he said sullenly and i giggled as i swung our linked hands
"I know, I'd call you whatever even without the permission, but I appreciate it" I said with a smile at him he shrugged and pulled me closer as he took a Sip of the redbull special "this isn't terrible" he murmured taking another sip I smiled at his softening expression and sipped my coffee
Katsuki made breakfast for us both as i sat on the counter watching him and stealing kisses every time he came near me.
He placed the plates on either side of me his hands on the counter trapping me as he stood between my legs his head level with mine "I think I deserve a real kiss for getting you coffee and making you breakfast" he murmured and i sighed all but melting into his chest my lips brushing over his
"Awe look it's Soft Bakubro out to play" a familiar voice screeched ruining the soft looks and not there enough kiss
"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU" Katsuki yelled but he didn't move cause my hands were holding his shirt still, my legs wrapped around his waist trapping him
"Kitty what about my kiss" I pouted and I could hear Kirashima and Denki laughing their assess off as Katsuki growled low at them and turned to face you a smirk growing on his face
He wrapped his arm's around my waist and pulled me into his chest, lips crashing against mine in a possessive kiss my arms were pinned between our bodies as he held me up biting my bottom lip. You opened willingly my arms wrapping around his neck and going into his hair tugging on it gently
"Oh you two get a room" Kyoko groaned walking into the room Katsuki broke the kiss off still holding me up
"We have one thank you very much" I teased sarcastically motioning to the 'room' we had, the kitchen
She fake gagged rolling her eyes at you as she poured herself some cereal you turned back to see Katsuki glaring at the guys as if daring them to laugh again. smiling i unwrapped my arms and legs from around him, he let me down slowly looking down at me now
"Now eat your food Brat before it gets cold" he grumbled I smiled again as I sat on a stool pulling a plate in front of me, bacon, eggs, buttered toast mmm without wasting a second i dug in smiling at Katsuki as he watched me eat the breakfast he made me.
You were now walking towards my family home regretting my choice of clothes, there was no way in hell my mother wouldn't say something about me showing up at home shirtless in my Boyfriends hoodie
"We should turn back, I can get a real shirt on. I should have thought of this" I said tugging on Kats hand to stop him from walking farther but he just kept going tugging me with him
"Come on princess, to late now were almost there" he said and I sighed trudging along I could see the gate already
"Kitty this really is gonna turn out bad so be prepared" I said grumpy as I pushed the button on the gate "shirtless might cause less of a hassle" I added in a mumble as the gates opened
"We can arrange that still. Though I might gouge out some wandering eyes then" Katsuki teased I smiled at him squeezing his hand once more opening the door
"Maybe we can just sneak up to my room. Before she sees-"
(Y/n)(l/n) what in the world are you wearing!"a voice interrupted me and ruined any thoughts of sneaking anywhere
"Mother. Hello, to answer your question I'm wearing whatever I grabbed when I woke up this morning, figuring it wouldn't matter since you were going dictator on my outfit tonight" I said turning to look at the woman who was standing in the entry way arms crossed foot tapping
"Tell your brute not to touch anything and lead him to your father's office, the tailor is setting up in there to try and make him decent. Your dress is in your room along with the hairdresser and makeup."
"My Brute has a name first off, secondly he's not gonna break anything. He doesn't even want to be here in the first place. And lastly I think he looks just fine and plenty of girls agree with me on that, your the only one that has a problem with him" I snapped and took Katsukis hand leading him down the hall towards my father's wing not listening to whatever she had to say
I left Kat to do his thing giving him a sweet kiss before making mynway to my room to get ready myself.
the maids helped me put the dress on tsking and tutting at all the lovebites and hickeys on my neck, shoulders, chest, and thighs attempting to cover them with makeup while another worked on my hair, i smiled fingers brushing against a mark on myncollarbone that no matter how much makeup they put on it, anyone could still see. Wondering how Katsuki was doing with the tailor
~~~~~Katsuki's pov~~~~
I stood on a platform arms extended legs parted slightly as a woman measured all over pinning here or there on the suit that I thought fit decently. But apparently not as well as a stupid Dance needed it to be. (Y/n) is so lucky I lo-care for her, wow where did that thought come from I thought silently shaking my head at my own thoughts
"Okay take the shirt off I'm going to sew it real quick" the woman said I pulled the shirt off quickly and dropped it in her arms, but she wasn't looking at the shirt but at the red marks down my back and chest and the crescent marks in my shoulders from (y/n)'s nails scratching and holding me. "Mmm busy boy eh" the tailor teased Making my face turn red as I looked away a threat rising to be yelled but I held it back, I had promised my girl I would be nice and no yelling or threats or swearing. And that was what I was going to do, instead I just grunted in response.
"Best not let Mrs.(L/n) see those, she'll have a conniption" the tailor chuckled as she finished the shirt and handed it back, i put it back on buttoning it up, she walked around me nodding at the fit then we did the same with the jacket. When it was all done she made me sit down to put makeup over a lovebite from (y/n) that was just visible over the collar of the neckline after much complaining from me I complied when I was finished she nodded and made me turn for her "voila your ready for a gala" she said and clapped her hands slowly I shrugged uncomfortable
"And by the way young man...I've known (y/n) since she was in diapers, she's like a second kid to me. And I've never seen her happier than with you. For the first time in her life she's standing up to her's good to see. (M/n) can be a bit...much at times. She hasn't realized that her little girl is old enough that controlling her isn't going to work for anyone." She said and I looked away looking in the mirror at myself
"From what I've heard of her...the old hag needs to back off (y/n), let her live her life however she wants. Shes...she's good...she's a good person" I said slowly and the woman nodded with a smile
"Awe KittyKat! Your good too, even if your a little grumpy at times" (y/n) said suddenly making me turn red realizing she had heard me. I turned and froze, she was stunning her dress was golden and shimmered with every step, it cut low enough to see cleavage but not so low she was spilling out of it, the sleeve hung off her shoulders, it hugged her figure, ending just above her knees and there was a slit up one side to her upper thigh just low enough you couldn't see her underwear.
Tonight was going to be a test in more ways then one, not only did I have to be nice, but I had to keep my jealousy in check as other guys saw her in this "Well what do you think" she asked spinning around for me with a knowing grin instead of responding I just stepped down and pulled her into my chest, she sighed her arms around my waist "fucking Perfect" I whispered just for her to hear and she looked up at me with a smirk remembering when I had told her that about her naked body.
"Come on Kat before either of us change our minds and do what I wanted to do before we even got here 'flee the country'" she whispered the last part with a grin and a wink I sighed and let her go taking her hand instead and we walked out to go to the Gala

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