Chapter 17: Sweet Boi and UltraExplosion

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Two months had passes since the Gala. My mother never called to bother me about anything at all. I went to the Bakugous every weekend for at least a night with Katsuki for dinners with his family. It was cold outside and winter break was coming up quick. Classes were good for me, having an amazing study buddy/boyfriend and doing study groups with the rest of the squad regularly. I had gotten my presents for everyone already, all wrapped and hidden in my bathroom counter, somewhere Katsuki would never look because I kept my 'feminine products' in there which scared him off.
Katsuki and I took turns sleeping in each other's room. Never spending the night apart except when I had girls nights, but I almost always excused myself when I started to fall asleep to go to my boyfriend to sleep. Life was as close to perfect as I could get.
"So where are you going for break (y/n) Mina asked, she was sitting on a beanbag she had brought in a while ago just for her. Kiri, Kami, and Sero sat around my table playing games together on their switches. And I were in Katsukis lap as he played the game on my switch with the boys, letting us girls 'talk' while still hanging with yall. Every now and then, a boy would interject in the conversation us girls were having. It was the perfect end to a long exhausting day of training.
"Umm I don't know... I haven't talked to either of my parents since...since the Gala." I felt Katsuki tense around me, remembering the breakdown I had had at his home the morning after that night. It had made him hate my parents more than anyone else in the world, he couldn't stand to see me so broken and sad, we had talked about it a few times.
"Tch dumbass, the old Hag already said you could stay with us for break. She already has fucking Christmas Pjamas for you for the stupid ass family photos" Katsuki said then growled at the game as he lost. I paused going over every single conversation with Mitsuki i could remeber, not once remembering this one he said happened
"It was last Sunday... you were drinking your coffee that I had to freeze my ass off to get you out of bed... ringing any bells" Katsuki said trying to jog my memory but I shook my head thinking hard and having no memory of it
"Tch and this is why your still dumbass, dumbass. Your brain can't function without fucking coffee. What would you do without me" He teased and i grinned and shrugged looking back at Mina who was absolutely giddy with how Katsuki was with me, even after all this time, it still amazed her when he acted sweet to me even if it was mixed with insults.
"Guess that's my winter break plans then." I said and she smiled but her eyes were on Katsuki who was distracted playing another round.
"Family photos, Christmas pajamas? Do they all match?" She asked sounding innocent but I could hear the laughter in her voice.
"Tch Yeah they do" Katsuki said distracted by his game and Minas smile grew
"Awe I wanna see Bakubro in matching Christmas pajamas too! (Y/n) you have to take pictures for me okay?!" She said looking at me laughing as I leaned back agaisnt your boyfriend who finally paid attention to what he said and his cheeks tinged pink
"SHE BETTER FUCKING NOT. YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT! DONT GET ANY IDEAS DUMBASS! PINKY DONT GIVE HER FUCKING IDEAS!" He yelled in a rage going between Mina and me causing him to die in the game again "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, REMATCH, DAMN GIRLS DISTRACTED ME!" Katsuki yelled making me laugh as Mina strugged to hold back a laugh as she pointed to herself in mock horror and mouthed 'me!' I smirked and Minas eyes lit up in excitement
Right when the match started I shifted in Katsuki's lap purposely pressing my ass to his croch as I did so. His eyes flickered to mine for a second and I looked back at him innocently till he looked back at the game growling at it as he played, smirking again I rested my head on his shoulder and nuzzled his neck he tilted his head tilting the switch as well, almost instinctively for me.
i breathed out lightly blowing my breath across his neck and his eyes fluttered and he gripped my switch tighter. "What are you doing princess" he growled at me quietly and I smiled pressing my lips to his neck and he's growl turned into a groan as I pepered his neck in kisses and nips.
He moved faster than I could react flipping to the side and pinning me under him, the game forgotten at the foot of my bed
"Do you need something princess?" He asked in my face I smirked and shook my head
"Just showing you what distractions are. Figured you'd need an example" I whispered back he growled low still pinning me not looking anywhere but my face
"Hey, if yall are gonna get all hot and heavy we can go Bakubro" kirashima said from somewhere behind us making me laugh at Katsuki's expression, clearly debating it.
"No, stay please, I was just proving a point. Right Kitty?" I said smiling at the now growling boy after a few heated seconds staring at each other he sat up grumbling about checks I was writing I smiled as I sat up too patting his head like a dog
"Damn Boom boom Boi, I didn't know you had it in you to be so sweet" Mina said laughing hard enough, practically falling out of the chair She was on.
"SHUT UP RACCOON EYES! IM NOT FUCKING SWEET!" Katsuki yelled standing up I laughed as I leaned around his now standing form and put a hand around my mouth as if to block the words from the yelling boy
"He's super sweet to me. Don't let him fool you." I stage whispered and Katsuki spun to face me rage etched Into his face. "Uh oh I'm in trouble now" I stage whispered again shoulders shaking with contained laughter
"SHUT UP DUMBASS! IM NOT SWEET! OR NICE OR KIND OR FUCKING SOFT" he yelled and I couldn't stop the snort of laughter from coming out.
"Awe Kitty don't be like that!" I teased the fuming boy he was shaking now with contained rage and I couldn't stop the grin from spreading. "Your the nicest kindest soft boy ever"
He roared as he tackled me and we rolled onto the floor I couldn't stop the laughter as we rolled he was snarling at me unintelligible words. Which just made me laugh even more
Finally he had me pinned to the floor arms above my head sitting on my waist holding my legs still "take it back" he snarled and I laughed in his face trying to get away Still. "Take it fucking back" he snapped and I couldn't stop laughing to talk so I shook my head in a clear no sign "I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled and i looked at him, finally getting my laughter under control and stopped struggling trying to think of how to get away his grip tightened slightly and an idea popped up, struggling to keep my grin under control, I put my lip out in a pout making him pause his angry yelling tirade "owwie that hurts Kitty" I said softly a slight whine in my tone.
Instantly he let go of my wrists and put all his weight on his knees so he wasn't pinning me anymore
"Shit. I'm sorry princess" he said quickly looking at my face for signs of anger for hurting me. Instantly I reached up wrapping my arms around his torso I flipped us pinning him down to the ground this time smiling at him
As he realised how you played him he snarled shaking in his head trying to get me off him. I leaned down mouth agaisnt his ear "see sweet and soft" I whispered and let him go
"You got him to say sorry!" Kaminari gasped
"You didn't even do anything but bat your eyes and he said sorry!" Kirashima exclaimed
"I've never heard him say sorry" Sero said slowly as if preparing for katsuki to attack them for saying it.
"That was a dirty fucking trick!" Katsuki growled out as he slowly got up i just smiled and winked at him as i sat back on my bed.
"Not so dumb ehh Kitty" I teased and he snarled as he sat down on the edge of my bed as far away from me as possible
"No your just a bitch" he grumbled and i shrugged as I looked to Mina. Both of us busted out laughing.
"Okay class shut up and listen. Eri wants to know if-"
"Yes" Deku said instantly and Mr Aziwa blinked at being interrupted before nodding looking at the rest of the class, everyone was nodding along with Dekus agreement even Katsuki who nodded once then shrugged leaning back in his chair.
"Okay, I'll tell her. Now would you like to know what you agreed to?"
More nods around the room meanwhile i sat there kind of confused i had heard about the little girl the class had saved but i knew nothing else. What kind of kid was she that Even Katsuki agreed without question
"So a Christmas party, with photos and outfits. She wants to do a tree with you all to take pictures in front of. And make cookies" Aziwa said and I shrugged, didn't sound that hard, definitely doable.
"Tch great we're doing it twice this year than. Definitely skipping the damn party." Katsuki growled and I shrugged leaning back to talk to him
"It'll be fun come on KittyKat, we'll celebrate with the class, then with your family." I said softly and he shook his head glaring at me
"I fucking doubt it'll be fun. It's gonna be a shitty ass party with shitty ass people" he grumbled and i smiled leaning over his desk closer to his face.
"I'll be there Kitty and I promise I'll make sure you have fun. But I won't force you to go. I'll just hang out with the others without you." I said softly and he scoffed at that leaning forward slightly till we were sharing breath
"Yeah fucking right. I'll go to the shitty party. Just shut your mouth and fucking kiss me" he growled back and I smiled leaning forward to close the distance.
Suddenly I was wrapped in white cloth and pulled back from katsuki who was also wrapped up cloth over our mouths. "I don't care what goes on in the dorms. Or the halls. Or anywhere else. But no PDA in my classroom. Miss (l/n) I expected you to behave better, you have better maners than the rest of the class. Mr.Bakugo... I didn't expect you to ever get a girlfriend so I didn't have expectations for you." Mr Aziwa said and I looked down at the ground and tried to nod but couldn't due to the restraining cloth.
Katsuki was raging trying to get free trying to yell. But nothing. No escape. Mr Aziwa let me go when I stopped struggling and I stood up and put a hand on Katsukis head "shhh Kitty calm down" I said softly and he slowly relaxed and stopped struggling. But was still glaring.
I looked at Mr. Aziwa and nodded, he nodded once back and let go of Katsuki. He opened his mouth but I shot him a look that meant 'keep your mouth shut' which led to him shutting his mouth. I smiled and patted his arm now and sat back in my seat, gathering my stuff now that class was about over.
Hero training was working on a second ultimate move, but already having two I worked on new weapons. I had Momo make me a pistol, that only fired dummy rounds but still helped me see how it worked. And I got a curved scrimtars as well, blunted. I started with the scrimtars spinning and swinging them, getting use to the feel of them.
"Oi Dumbass what're you doing that doesn't look like an ultimate move." Katsuki yelled as he came over to me I shrugged and wiped sweat off my face. Panting lightly.
"I'm adding new weapons to my repitor. Need to know how a real one feels before I can make it outta my air" I said as I stabbed it into the ground. And reached up to fix my hair that had slipped loose.
"Well I was thinking for an ultimate move. You can... stop my...explosions. how?" He asked I shrugged and gestured to a bolder nearby. We sat down and I sighed softly with a smile at the class spread across the room pushing their quirk to its limits.
"I take a small area around your hands and take the air away from it. No air then no explosions. As you move your hands, I move the bubble around it. It takes concentration and a lot of my own oxygen away the longer I do it." I explained and he nodded looking at his hands
"Okay so what if you made them covered in oxygen, more than normal?" He asked I thought for a second about it before answering
"If I made a bubble of ultra oxygenated air around your hands, the explosion would be ultra intense and would explode all around your hand not just your palm, probably catch your bands on fire and your outfit" I said slowly he nodded and turned his hands over
"So bad. That wouldn't be helpful" he said I smiled and leaned into his shoulder for a second
"No it wouldn't. But good thin-" I stopped mid word as my smile grew suddenly as an idea hit me.
Standing up I pulled Kat with me he looked confused as he followed me to a secluded area and we stopped I stared hard at a bolder about 20 feet away pulling oxygen around it denser and denser till it was as much as I could get into the area. "Aim for that rock." I said as I pulled air into a stream from the rock towards him he was looking at me confused
"Just do it, trust me" I said and he nodded once and took aim staring at the rock for a second before activating his quirk and shooting an explosion at the rock.
Suddenly We were both blown back from the force of the explosion and katsuki grabbed me pulling me to him and shielding me with his body shards of the Rock were flying everywhere I realized I couldn't hear anything but a high-pitched tone as well everything else was just fuzzy like static.
The only thing important to me was Katsuki curled over me blood dropping around us, cuts on his arms and sides I could see from the flying shrapnel flying by at such high speeds
"KATSUKI" I screamed I couldn't hear my voice but I could feel my lips moving the air leaving my throat, my voicebox vibrating, but I couldn't hear other than the static and the high pitched screaming in my ears
I tried to pop my ears and right when I was able to start making out sounds again it was faint I reached up and pressed my hand to Katsukis face his lips were moving
"-Okay? Are you okay? (Y/n)! Are you okay" he was asking over and over panic was in his voice he didn't even seem to notice his cuts a hand was on the side of my head over an ear and it felt sticky
"Yeah" I said and reached over feeling my sticky other ear, there was blood. No wonder my ears hurt, that everything sounded fuzzy and under water. I thought numbly.
Then I remember Kat collapsing on Me and before I could panic about it, everything went black for me too.

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