Chapter 34:Facing the Parentals

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~Angry Boi~
I got woken up by something, I blinked a few times at the sunlight streaming through the window as I tried to process what woke me up. (Y/n) was asleep literally on top of me. Her ass was between my legs her lower stomach on my hips her chest on my stomach and her head on my chest right over my heart, her arms were wrapped under and up my shoulders holding onto me tightly in her sleep. My legs were around hers holding her there my arms around her chest holding her gently.
There was another knock on the door and the knob started to twist as I reached over for my phone and glanced at the time 9:02 in the morning. I had promised my girl she could sleep till noon today so whoever walked through that door better pray they didn't wake her up or I'd kill them.
The second the door was open and the two people stepped through I felt anger coursing through my now tensed body, my grip on (y/n) tightened slightly as her parents stepped through the door. Her mothers long blond hair was up in a tight bun, in a business looking pants suit.
This was the first time I saw her father. Black hair cropped short green eyes, tall, his whole demeanor looked commanding he was definitely a man use to being in charge, but looking at how he stood almost behind the old bitch she was the boss of the family.
"What" I growled out softly trying to keep from waking (y/n) up. They both took in our sleeping situation with increasingly widening eyes, mr.(l/n) looked stunned where the old bitch looked more and more outraged "before you say a word, wake her up and I will fucking kill you both" I hissed
"Excuse me" the bitch snapped and (y/n) moved a little clinging slightly tighter to me I rubbed my hand down her back soothingly and she relaxed a little bit in my hands
"We have been working our asses off the last three weeks, this is the first and only day we've taken off, I promised her she could sleep in, so she's going to sleep in. If you or anyone makes me break that promise I made to her I will kill them. Do. You. Understand." I whispered trying to keep my tone soft so she wouldn't wake up to my anger
"Listen here little savage boy. That is my daughter and if I want to wake her up I will. I have important family business to discuss with her she will hear it" the bitch snapped and I growled softly at her my teeth exposed as I tightened my grip on (y/n)
"Shhh Kitty, isotay" (y/n) murmured in her sleep a hand leaving my shoulder to run through my hair softly and I felt my body relax slightly at the touch, even in her sleep she knew just what to do to calm me down.
"Pulease My old Hag treats her more like a daughter than you do. We're her family, the only one she needs, so you can either leave now and get a chance to come back sometime after Noon, or I can get up wake my girl up and throw you out of the window. Your fucking choice" I said gritting my teeth at the need to yell and explode but stopping myself from it for my girlfriend's sake
"How Dare you talk to us like that! We are her parents! You are just a boy toy she'll abandon when she finds another better behaved man to marry. Your Nothing." The bitch snapped. The bastard father was just standing there staring at (y/n) sleeping on my holding me tightly in her sleep
"Oi, don't you have any balls man. Speak up. As for you old bitch, I've heard enough of your stupidity. I love her and would never abandon her, nor would she me, she's my girl and nothing going to change that, let alone a stuck up bitch who thinks her daughters life is hers to control. I fully intend to marry this amazing woman in my arms if I have to fight every stupid rich dumbass to do so." I growled out and felt (y/n)s breath catch at my words, she was awake and just laying there now, my words had woken her up.
Her mother was sputtering with rage at my words something about never marrying her daughter. Her father however was smiling at me. I met his eyes and he nodded once at me and held a hand out to the old bitch "come on dear, we'll get no where right now, we'll come back in a few hours to talk to our daughter. When she's more likely to listen okay, let's go get some breakfast before that meeting" he said still looking at me I nodded to him one time in recognition he was defusing the situation, and I could see approval in his eyes for me I broke our eye contact to look down at (y/n) who was holding onto me tight enough she was almost shaking.
I brought my face down to her ear as they left the room "their gone princess, it's okay, you can go back to sleep, it's hella fucking early still" I murmured and she shook her head into my chest her grip still as tight as ever
"Your not nothing KittyKat, I'm not going to abandon you...she...she doesn't know me at all if she thinks that... I love very much... I could never even think about life without you in it...your mine." She murmured softly her words unsteady, I could tell how close to tears she was.
"I know princess. I know you, more than anyone else, your my girl, we're a team and nothings going to separate us. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it okay. Now go back to bed, I promised you we'd get to sleep in and I'll be damned if those motherfuckers fuck that up for us" I said softly running my hands across her back in soothing circles, I felt her yawn against my chest and snuggle into it deeper
"Yeah, sleep time." She yawned out and I smiled softly before yawning myself letting my eyes close listening to her breathing slowly even out I fell back asleep.
I woke up to (y/n) squirming in my arms trying to wiggle free "more sleep" I murmured pulling her into my chest and snuggling my face into her hair.
"Kitty, I have to pee, let me go" she squealed wiggling more I sighed and unwrapped my arms and legs from around her. She jumped up and I listened as her footsteps reseeded and the bathroom door shut. Sighing I reached over to my phone and cracked an eye open to look at the time, it was 12:02 and my phone had messages from the 'bakusquad' tons of them all to links to different news sites saying to look at this and tell (y/n) gently. Clicking on the link I read quickly my heart stopping at every paragraph.
This was why her parents were here this morning. She was going to lose it when she heard this. I sucked in a breath rubbing my hand down my face "Fuck" I groaned
"What's up Kitty?" (Y/n) asked coming out of the bathroom I sighed again as I thought the best way to tell her, I pushed myself to sit up and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Before I say anything you have to listen and not interrupt okay?" I said slowly and she nodded looking confused and worried I sighed again and squeezed her shoulders "I'm going to start by saying it's not your fault, and you don't have to fix shit" I said and she nodded again her concern growing on her face.
"It's that video of your party, it went viral... no one wants to be associated...with (l/n) company... not when old workers are coming forward with statements...saying you and your brother were neglected...and forced to do things you didn't want to...that you were emotionally abused...the company workers are striking and everything" I felt her body get more and more tense with every word. Her fists were clenched, her eyes filled with tears that she was fighting back by looking up and blinking rapidly.
"There' article saying no one will work, invest, or buy anything from them unless they publicly apologize to you both, and show change...there's even a petition to 'dethrone' the parents and put you and Kegan in charge of the company...Probably why your damn parents were here this morning" I said and she nodded seemingly numbly, i squeezed her shoulder again my other hand on her knee, her hand reached down and laced our fingers together. She closed her eyes and took a slow shaky breath.
"Okay" she said softly and I watched as she took another breath that was slightly more stable than the first one. "I...I never wanted this to happen Katsuki. I-I don't want the company... I don't even want an apology from them...I just want them to leave me alone to be who I want to be... I just want... I don't know what I want. But this isn't it." She said haltingly and I nodded rubbing her back.
"It's not your fault. You were just singing, letting go for once, they were the ones that made you feel that way. Specifically that old bitch. And you don't have to do shit, you just say no, and I'll make sure it doesn't happen. Okay?" I said and she nodded but still looked pretty downcast I sighed and pulled her closer to my chest. "Want to go eat at that Udon place that you love?" I asked and she nodded distantly I gave her a small smile as I unwrapped my arms from around her. She got up and I watched her as she got dressed seemingly on autopilot.
Sighing I got up and pulled a shirt on. When she was dressed we walked to the udon place. The food perked her up a little bit but not as much as I was hoping, I could tell she was still thinking about her parents company. My arm wrapped around her shoulders as we rounded the corner back towards the hotel and both of us froze.
Walking out of the hotel looking pissed off was the old bitch and bastard walking out they stopped to when they saw us as well. Her father gave me a slight nod and I gave him one back. We had a wordless understanding, he seemed to accept that I wasn't going anywhere and I understood that he would interfere if this wasn't going anywhere and things started escalating.
"(Y/n)" the bitch said slowly and my girl nodded once in acknowledgment "we have family business to discuss, come along." She finished and (y/n)s eyes hardened as she gripped my waist tightly
"Sure, come on Katsuki" she said firmly and her mother sucked in a breath glaring at us, if looks could kill we'd both be dead right now.
"I think you misheard me (y/n) I said Family Business" the bitch growled out her fists clenched and I felt a current of air rush past us. Which made (y/n) tense more and the wind seemed to shift and surround us so no breeze blew around us, not even the natural one.
"And I think you Misheard Katsuki this morning when he told you he was more my family than anyone other than Kegan" she growled back her grip on my waist was starting to hurt but I didn't cry out or stop her, she was terrified right now, of standing up for what she wanted, but she was still doing it.
"This has nothing to do with him. It has to do with you. And the family company. I'm sure the savage boy has no interest in it" was the snarled back response. People were stopping on the street to stare at us now and both me and mr.(l/n) noticed
"Dear, we talked about this. Just let her bring her boyfriend or we won't get anywhere. Compromises remember" he said softly and (y/n) snorted at those words
"Please Father. Mother doesn't know what that word means let alone how to do it. Her way or the highway right. Nothings ever been a compromise with her. Since Before I can remember. Not one compromise has been made. No wonder the company is falling apart. No one wants to work for a tyrannical hypocritical bitch of a boss" she snapped. I reached down and gently laid my hand on hers she was making it hard for me to breath with her grip. She instantly loosened her grip and looked up at me to mouth a sorry.
"Whatever. The brat can come. Just let's go. You are causing a scene (y/n)" the old bitch snapped finally as spun away her hair whipping around her in wind of her own creation. One me and (y/n) didn't feel due to her own wind wall
We walked down the road and down a running track, me and (y/n) ran down it every morning usually, before we had to report to the agency. Rounding a bend we came to a little picnic place and sat at a worn green table. There was no one around. There never really was anyone on this trail anyways.
"Okay. You need to go to the news station and explain that we never-"
"No. Just No" (y/n) interrupted her shoulders set. Her mothers face seemed to catch fire with rage at her words.
"What do you mean NO" she yelled and (y/n) flinched slightly seeming to curl on herself till I squeezed her shoulders and she took a deep breath.
"Im not going to go to the news station and Lie for you anymore. You did neglect us. You did force us to do things we didn't want to do, you did emotionally abuse us. Whenever you were home me and Kegan use to hide in the maids closets and walkways hoping you wouldn't find us. We use to go DAYS without seeing the light of day because we were terrified of you. You were a terrible mother. I'm done covering your ass and pretending we were happy there."
"And you were no better father. You let her say those awful things to us, I thought I was a terrible person for most of my life, that I didn't deserve LOVE, that I didn't deserve friends or even human compassion! For YEARS! I still feel like I don't deserve the LOVE of my own boyfriend! You did that to me mother, and you let it happen father, looked the other way while she degraded us and made us smile and pose like a happy family when we didn't even know what one looked like! If it weren't for Katsuki I still wouldn't know! I would still feel like crap! I would still be so far up your ass desperate for your approval I would have done anything."
"But now I see. You aren't worth that, I don't need your approval, I don't need anything from either of you. I have amazing friends who care for me. I have an amazing man who takes care of me and loves me, who literally would fight the world for me, who I fully intend to marry one day. And as much as I would love your approval for that down the road, I'm not expecting it, and I don't care anymore. What I want more than anything is for you to let me live my life without forcing me to spew lies and bend my morals for you, force me to do things I don't want to do. I'm an adult. It's time we all start acting like it"
She was panting after her rant, and tears were streaming down her cheeks from the years of pent up anger and pain, she was practically in my lap with how tightly I was holding her and her parents both looked stunned.
Her father opened his mouth to say something but suddenly there was explosions down in town. Both me and (y/n) jumped to our feet spinning to face the noise. Then our phones were both ringing
"Yes" I answered
"(Y/n) here" she said seconds later answering her own phone
On the other end of the phone was a breathless secretary "Dynamite, Aria, I know it's your day off but all hands on deck. There's a swarm of villains attacking the Agency please help" she gasped and I made eye contact with (y/n) and we both nodded
"Eta 2 minutes, get everyone you can to the panic room downstairs then request backup from neighboring city's agencies" (y/n) said quickly as we started down the trail at a jog her mother was sputtering wait behind us but (y/n) was ignoring her as we moved
"Okay, thank you, please hurry" the secretary said softly and then hung up, I made eye contact with (y/n) she nodded and I grabbed her arm swinging her up to my back. She held on tightly arms and legs wrapping around me, as I pointed my hands down and explosions sent us flying through the forest, she moved her hands making us fly farther than we would without her help, propelling us forward.
We saw the smoke long before the building, police were surrounding the area keeping people back, we landed gently thanks to (y/n), right into the chaos of people fleeing. I felt her drop to the ground softly behind me and we started forward some citizens recognized us, even without our hero costumes, cheering for more hero's.
"Where is everyone, where's best jeanist?" (Y/n) asked softly as we walked only to see a Nomu explode from the top of the building followed by the hero in question
"Be careful princess" I said to my girl as we reached the barrier that the police had set up. They waved us through quickly and we picked up the pace towards the building that wasn't looking to stable with all the windows broken out of the bottom three floors, looked like someone had set a bomb off inside.
"You too Kitty, if you get hurt I might kill you." She said glancing at me I gave her a cocky smile and we ran into the smoking building.
The next chapter will be a battle one, and I'm not to great at describing what I'm picturing in my head for battles, so I'm sorry in advance for it.

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