Chapter 40: Wake Up Calls & Melancholy

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     Yawning I looked around the room confused as to what had woken me up only to come face to face with Mitsuki in the doorway coffee in her hands I let go of Katsuki to rub my eyes unsure why she was standing there staring at us sleeping, that is till I remembered waking up last night complaining about how hot it was and taking my shirt off, and I wasn't wearing a bra because of activities last night.
    I scrambled off of Katsukis chest pulling the blanket up over my chest quickly, waking Katsuki up in my scramble. "Oi what the fuck (y/n)" he grumbled rubbing his eyes as I wrapped the blanket around me covering every square inch of my body, even though I was still wearing my shorts
    "I swear it's not what it looks like! It was hot last night! And I was to lazy to put my sports bra on, it was late, middle of the night in fact" I stammered out my words seeming to trip on each other as they rushed out of my mouth. While Mitsuki just stood there staring as if stunned then I remembered the love bites and hickeys all over my breasts, chest and stomach from Katsuki, she must have seen them ALL!
    With that thought my already red face turned neon as I pulled the blankets over my head trying to hide from the world "here" Katsuki grumbled shoving a shirt under the blanket at my face I took it quickly closing the blanket around me "what hag" he added at the door his voice still sleepy and grumpy at being woken up.
    "Well I figured (y/n) would want to wake up and have a cup of coffee before she went to work, so I came up here to wake her up" she said slowly seeming to snap out of her shock I slid the shirt on under the blanket and poked my red head out to look at the woman "I'm not sure I believe the Nothing happened thing though, some of those looked pretty fresh" she added and I shook my head furiously, yes last night we hadn't exactly followed our deal to the t but he hadn't had his mouth anywhere near my boobs so they weren't any new ones from last night
    "No, their not new, well not really, they-"
   "Their not from fucking last night you nosey old hag, now can you go please so my girlfriend will stop hiding in the corner from your ass" Katsuki interrupted leaning in front of me blocking me from view of his mother she huffed and I heard the door shut sighing I unwrapped the blanket from around me staring at the closed door my face practically glowing.
"She saw everything Kitty. Like my entire chest, just on display. There is no way she will believe nothing happened last night, not with all these" I stammered gesturing to my chest and he smirked and leaned over a hand on my lower back as he pressed his lips to my neck he nipped me and I gasped a hand on his chest, not sure if it was to push him away or pull him closer
"But that's the truth, none of those are from last night, though I can't say the same about your thigh" he murmured against my skin I took a shaky breath my hand running up his chest to wrap my arms around his neck loosely
"We should probably go down and get some breakfast before I have to go to work" I murmured he huffed against my neck and ran his nose up to my ear
"You don't need to work anymore, we have a place, and money saved up for it, not to mention we'll both be working immediately with that damn bird just quit" he murmured into my ear I sighed again leaning into his touch my fingers lacing in his hair.
"Your right, finals are coming up, I need the time to study, and train, I'll put my two weeks notice in, but we still have to go down and eat" I whispered back and he huffed again and pulled back slightly to look me in my eyes
"Fine, come on then, just remember, your the one who wanted to go fucking down there and deal with the old Hag" he muttered and I smiled putting a finger under his chin turning his head back to me
"Good morning kiss" I asked sweetly and he smirked and put both hands on the wall beside me pinning me to the wall as he pressed his lips to mine, I sighed into his kiss, moving our lips in sync I melted into his body till he pulled back. Smirking at me.
"Coffee, and food" he said and I nodded watching as he got up, his muscles shifting as he stretched, he picked a shirt and started putting it on his muscles flexing. He turned around and smirked at me hands still up in the air muscles flexed. "Want me to stop so you can take a picture princess" he asked
I smiled and picked my phone up snapping a picture of him smiling at me muscles flexed, hair tousled. "Thanks Kitty, I needed that" I said with a wink he rolled his eyes still smiling as he finished putting his shirt on. I sighed and got out of bed fixing my shirt and shorts to go face the music.
Surprisingly Mitsuki didn't say anything about my topless morning we ate breakfast and had my coffee before I went to go get ready for work.
Work was uneventful, some asshole customers but nothing I wasn't use to by now, I put in my two weeks notice and the manager was sad to see me go, but understood that I had to focus on finals which were quickly approaching.
After work I went to the dorms for girls night and we had a blast playing games and talking. However the boys crashed it half way through the night and we all ended up passing out on Minas floor after a whole night of fucking around and playing around.
But after the night of fun we cracked down on studying and training, me and Katsuki woke up early every morning to run before classes started, awake before anyone in the dorms, hell we were awake before anyone on campus, after classes we all got together in one of the Squads rooms and studied together Katsuki being more the teacher of the group then me, I only helped out when Katsuki was busy helping someone else. Then after two hours of studying me and Katsuki went to our lake and spared till we were to tired to continue, then we crashed and repeated.
Katsuki's birthday came quickly and we spent the day hanging out together at our lake playing in the water and sunbathing together till the Bakusquad crashed it with all the presents for 'our favorite Boom Boom boi' Mina's words not mine. How they knew to find us here I didn't know but it was still fun we all played some games in the water and it was great.
Then graduation was just around the corner and everyone was terrified of the finals we were about to go through, but after so long preparing for them, I was confident in my friend's abilities to pass any test that was thrown at us.
The written tests were horrible, things of nightmares for the entire class, but we all managed to pass the tests the whole class. The hero course finals were akin to torture. We had to as a class protect a 'city' from 'villains' the 'city' was made by Cementoss and played by a bunch of first and second years of school and the 'villains' were the teachers of UA and they were not taking it easy on us at all. It was so difficult and I almost overused my quirk several times, but my squad and Katsuki backed me up when I needed a moment to catch my breath, supporting from the back as I recovered.
After almost a whole day of protecting the 'city' we passed and everyone passed out as soon as we got to the dorms, no celebrating yet cause we were all to exhausted. Graduation was tomorrow and everyone was super excited about it hardly able to stay still for a conversation, Katsuki and I were all packed up ready to go to our new place and start work at Hawks' agency we had already shipped most our stuff there, my dad had paid for everything to be shipped and even made sure it got into the studio for us so nothing would go missing. He had even given me funds for new furniture for the place, telling me he didn't approve of me living with my boyfriend, but he would respect my decisions as an adult.
Our relationship was still pretty rocky, but he was trying to be a better father now, sending me weekly texts asking how I was doing and how Katsuki was doing, if our tests went well and when was graduation for us, even offered to take me and my whole class to celebrate afterwards which was accepted by everyone very quickly.
I sighed as I looked around my empty dorm room melancholy filling my heart at the thought of not seeing everyone every day anymore, school life was over, but our friendships would last our lifetimes, I had had so many good and bad days in this dorm, in this school, leaving made my heart feel heavy.
"What the fuck you looking so down about princess?" Katsukis voice snapped behind me I jumped startled, I had forgotten I had left my door open and hadn't heard him coming up to me
"Its just, so many memories here, so much love and fun was had here, after tomorrow... I won't see Mika or Mina, or Kiri, or Kami or Sero. I mean not like I do now. I won't have girls nights where everyone can just crash the party anymore. No more passing notes in class to my girls, or training together. Schools over" I said softly running my hand down my wall where a poster had hung for almost two years.
"We'll still see them all dumbass. Their only going to be like a city away, you can all still have your girls night in our studio. Maybe not as regular as now, but they'll still happen. You'll have them around when Dunceface or Weird Ears get married, be there when Pinky finally settles for one person, or two who cares really. We'll be there for Shitty Hair when he gets the balls to actually date someone. They'll all be there when we finally get married. We'll see them at hero conventions, and whenever we go there to assist them in fighting villains. Not to mention we all have phones you'll no doubt talk to them all at least once a day" he grumbled an arm around my shoulder.
I nodded and then sighed and looked around my empty room once more before grabbing my dufflebag with my essentials in it to bring to Katsukis room for our last night in the dorms, though everyone had agreed to a 'sleepover' in the living room for our last night together. Even the teachers had agreed to let us do it.
We walked downstairs my heart still heavy with melancholy it seemed everyone felt the same way, enjoying our last day together as a class but all sad it was coming to an end tomorrow. We'd all be going our separate ways after graduation. And no one seemed to excited about that. We'd been through so much together to get split up now.
We spent the night sitting Around talking about memories of the years there were tears shed and group hugs all over the place. Even Mina couldn't lighten the mood when she brought up the party last year at the end of our year, because everyone knew that would never happen again, sure we'd party together when we all had time to hang out, but not like then. It was time to leave our childhood behind and no one was prepared for that.
~~~Authors note~~~~
Sorry I'm sort of rushing through this school year. I'm getting close to the whole point of me writing this, getting close to the ending I thought of so long ago that made me write this, and I guess I'm getting a little impatient, maybe one day I'll rewrite this and add more to their third year. But I don't have the patience right now. Haha sorry 😅

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