Chapter 43: First Day

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We walked into the hero agency suited up and ready for anything, but what we got was a secretary showing us to two desks and being told we had to read through and sign our contracts before we could do anything, and the contracts were the size of a huge dictionary. Groaning I sunk into my chair flipping through the book
"Just sign everything and call it good princess" Katsuki said as he picked up a pen and flipped it open ready to sign whatever. I held a hand up wrapping a tendril of air around his pen stopping it from touching the paper
"Fuck no! Read before you sign anything. Who knows what you could agree to by just flipping through and signing whatever!" I exclaimed glaring at the boy sitting at the desk across from me
"This'll take all fucking day though" he grumbled glaring at the daunting stack of papers in front of him and I nodded seeing that the points were numbered I looked up at him still glaring at the papers.
"Read every odd number, I'll read the even ones, and we'll summarize the points for each other. Okay" I suggested as I picked up my pen twirling it in my hand Katsuki huffed then after a second more of glaring at the book he met my eyes and nodded.
And that was the first day of work, reading and explaining the point in as few words as possible. Before moving on to the next point. Some were simple like we wouldn't share secrets we learned about heros with outsiders, or we would protect the town with our lives if necessary. Not to harm civilians or innocents. Some however were rather odd like we would take part in the yearly 'yearbooks' that Hawks did for the agency or we would attend any hero gatherings we were invited to without complaints. They obviously didn't know Katsuki if they thought he wouldn't complain about being forced to go to a party.
By the end of the day we were mentally exhausted, but physically we were pumped, we had spent the morning excited to finally work as real pro heros, only to sit at a desk all day doing paperwork. But we finished signing the contracts right when it was time to head home. Katsuki grumbling the whole way about paperwork.
"Lets go for a run before dinner, get some energy out so we can get a good nights sleep for tomorrow" I said bouncing on my heels to energized to sit around the studio. He eyed me for a second before nodding and throwing a pair of shorts and a sports bra at me I smiled as I got changed hanging my hero costume up I was tying my running shoes on when Katsuki was dressed and ready to run.
"Race you to the trail, no Quirks" he said eyes sparkling, I laughed as I locked the front door clipping the key to my pants.
"Sure thing, looser has to...Clean the kitchen after dinner" I said and he smirked as he stretched and I followed suit stretching my legs as I tied my hair up.
"Wow you young people. Going out for a run so late, after working all day, real strong heros eh" an old man said as he walked out of his apartment next door keys in his hand I smiled at the old man giving him a small wave
"Yeah, late night runs are the best, the airs cooler, makes it easier to run for the firecracker" I said teasingly in Katsukis direction as I pointed to my boyfriend, he stopped stretching to glare at me
"Who the fuck you calling a Firecracker, you damn walking disaster" he growled making the old man gasp at the harsh language as I laughed at the words
"You, I thought that much was obvious, maybe
You are to tired to race me, if you can't hear properly" I teased smirking at Katsuki who looked ready to throw me down the stairs
"Tch we'll see who's too tired, ready-set-go" he grumbled then quickly said the last part taking off I gasped and sent a quick wave to the old man as I leapt down the stairs bracing my knees I landed hard taking the impact and rolling over launching to my feet after my boyfriend
"Thats Cheating Katsuki! Doesn't fucking matter though! I'm still gonna kick your ass into the ground" I yelled after him people dodging out of our way laughing, the people on this block must already be use to us if they just laughed when we ran down the road swearing and yelling at each other.
"I can't hear you! I don't speak fucking looser" he yelled back cackling like a mad man as he skidded around the corner I growled as I picked up speed running as fast as I could without my quirk to catch up to him.
In the end it was a close call but he beat me to the trail, just barely. We both took a small break to catch our breath before jogging down the trail together in comfortable silence. By the time we got home it was nearly 8 at night, having ran for almost two hours we were both sweaty and sufficiently tired, I let Katsuki take a shower first so he could start dinner while I took my shower. I threw our dirty clothes in the washer including our running clothes putting one of Katsukis shirts on when I stripped out of my sweaty clothes.
He smirked when he stepped out of the bathroom in shorts and saw me starting the washer in only his shirt. "Showers yours short stack. Feel free to wear just that to bed though" he said and I smiled as I turned to him taking in his exposed chest, and damp hair.
"I was going to Kitty, thanks for the permission, not that I needed it" I laughed and pecked him on the cheek as I walked by, hand trailing across his bare chest. I hopped in the shower hearing Katsuki bang pans and dishes around in the kitchen.
After dinner I called Mina as I started clean up pouting, Katsuki had made an extra large mess knowing I had to clean it up tonight even though technically it was his turn. But I had lost fair and square, well maybe not completely fairly when he had gotten a head start.
" one sec Mina, I gotta grab a rag for the counter" I said to my phone that was sitting behind the sink she gave me a thumbs up and I walked over to the drawer that had the dishrags in it.
"OMG! Where are your pants! Are you even wearing underwear" Mina gasped and I spun around a hand pulling the oversized shirt farther down
"I took a shower and just threw this on to eat and clean up before going to bed" I said my cheeks turning as pink as my friend.
"Ahh huh sure." She said raising an eyebrow obviously not believing me I blushed more as I walked back to the sink making it so my friend could only see my face again.
"Oi! Dumbass what's taking you so fucking long to clean the kitchen? I'm ready to go to bed stop being a pouty bitch" Katsuki asked stepping into the kitchen and into the view of the camera and Mina
"Bakubro, looking good as always. I see (y/n) has stolen your shirt, seeing as your not wearing one" Mina teased with a wink at me I shook my head as I got the rag wet and started cleaning the counters off
"Im almost done. Mina distracted Me" I said quickly glancing over at the boy as he glared at the phone
"Extra." He said briefly to Mina then looked at me and raised an eyebrow at my pink face. "Hurry up then. I'm tired" he murmured and I gave him a smile about to open my mouth to tell him I'd be there in a minute when when Mina interrupted
"Awe what Bakubro, you need your girly friend to tuck you into bed to go night night, how sweet" Mina teased and I rolled my eyes as Katsuki stomped into the kitchen anger etched on his face, and embarrassment.
"I don't need her to tuck me in! You damn Pink Alien! She gets all pissy when I go to bed without her! So I'm stuck being awake till she's done in here. And I don't go Night Night, I go to sleep" he growled at the phone I patted his shoulder with a smile shooting Mina a quick glare.
"Go lay down Kitty, I'll be there in just a second, I'm just gonna sweep real quick" I murmured and he huffed at the phone before looking back at me
"Better be quick" he murmured and stomped out of the kitchen hands in his pocket I smiled as I turned back to Mina who was covering her mouth trying not to laugh to loudly at the obviously pouting boy
"You just got a lot more brave with teasing him when he can't actually touch you huh" I asked and she nodded laughing loudly now as I grabbed the broom "well he'll remember next time we see you, and you'll pay then, just remember that, and best warn Kiri too" I warned and she nodded seriously before breaking into a grin
"Well ima let you go put you man to bed, goodnight girly, don't have to much fun okay" she said with a wink I rolled my eyes chuckling at her as I swept my pile up
"Okay, love ya Mina, talk to ya tomorrow, and I make no promises on the fun" I said with a wink and a laugh she was still laughing when she hung up the phone. I smiled and grabbed my phone walking to bed where Katsuki was laying his back to me facing the wall arms crossed
Still smiling I plugged my phone in and crawled into bed, reaching out to put a hand on his back but he turned over before I could touch him and pulled me into his chest his face in my hair as he snuggled closer
"Took you long enough" he grumbled and I chuckled as I laid my arm over his side resting my hand on his back, my other hand curled between us resting on his chest.
"Night Kitty, I love you" i murmured and he sighed into my hair, one hand resting on my hip the other arm under my head, letting me use it as a pillow my chin resting against his shoulder breathing in the scent that was only his
"Goodnight Princess, I fucking love you too" he murmured into my hair and I let sleep drag me under pulling me into the land of dreams.

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