𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 -04-

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Just a few days before Rione's departure to the royal palace, the Heindrist family were distressed to see that their head family is about to be a personal imperial knight beside the Emperor of Obelia.

To other people lower than their status may be pleased and feel that they have made an achievement by staying on the emperor's side, but not to the Heindrist family who's just second after Obelian. What's more it is their head family that the Emperor asked for, so they're very much unsatisfied and find it insulting to their family's face and to their Head. Though Rione doesn't really mind, just got very surprised.

Some of them even promised to humiliate the dog emperor next time they meet him. (it is their nickname for the Emperor despite Rione warning them about insulting the Emperor's crowned name)

Especially Rione's butler who had gotten much closer to Rione, Vaine scowled when he first heard Felix said that his young master will be a mere knight beside the Emperor, he does not pleased with that.

His master should be at a high position with a top quality lifestyle, not a mere knight! (-Vaine)

Though, in the end Rione manage to calm Vaine down before he could go to the palace and make a fuss.

'Vaine's loyalty to me are sure scary.' Rione thought as he slightly smiled and sweat dropped.

At current time, Rione surprisingly was given time by the Emperor so he has time to process a bit and think of what happened that caused a butterfly effect.

'..This is getting messy, I just hope it won't get messier in the future.' Gods know very well it'll get messier.

Rione sighed, he's too exhausted to even think of this problem right now. Is it because of his unknown presence that had interrupted this world? 'How will the plot going on with the normal phase now? Will it go just normally as it would but with an extra character? Or will i change the plot?'

Then a thought suddenly crossed Rione's head.

'Out of all thoughts right now though.. the most important is.. how will i survive now that the Emperor took my normal life and place me by his side? haah.. if I think about it seriously now, maybe it'll be best if I just do my own best to ignore whatever things that will lead my existence to interfere with the plot. In other words, simply be quiet by his side.'

In the end, just like that Rione have decide on what he'll do next in the palace. And that is to be low profile, forgetting that his extraordinary appearance and status as the Heindrist head also Emperor's personal imperial knight will bring a lot trouble.

'Then it is settled.. well I'll just head to sleep, it is very late right now.' Rione thought before walking away from his desk full with works and head to his comfy bed.

'My damned existence better not ending up changing the plot..' He thought as he sighed helplessly 'Whatever, tomorrow will be the day I depart to the palace, I better sleep now before anyone could misunderstand why am I staying up late.'

With that, Rione doze off to the dream land.
567 words.

Yo I'm back, I'm sorry if it's short, but that's just for now. In the future per chapter will contain 1.000+ words once more.

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