𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 -05-

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On the fresh and early morning where the sun just rise, you can hear someone shouting a name as they cried and wiping their snots with a handkerchief right before diving into the embrace of a certain white haired male.

The white haired male stiffly stood there as he let his mother hug him in a tight embrace. "Mother.."

"Rione! Let's not accept that do- The Emperor's request alright? You're the Head after all, and there's no need to be a knight! Mother is still not ready to live without you in the house!" Rione's mother rambled and keep hugging her dearest son without an intention to let go of him and refuse to do so when someone did tried to.

Rione sweat dropped as he gently pried off his mother and held both his mother's shoulder. "Mother, not that I had a choice but to accept." Rione tried to smile, even though he failed but it is enough for his mother to know that her son is trying to cheer her up.

Though that attempt just had made Rione's mother even more reluctant to part with him, luckily Rione's father to the rescue and held her tight before she can embrace him to a death grip again.

"Son.. I know we don't really have a choice either but to accept this request, the Emperor were being weirdly persistent about it. I'll hold your mother for you, she's just not ready for her already grown up baby to leave her side after years. Father wish you luck."

Rione's face softened a little before nodding to his father. "Yes father, thank you."

"Kai Agallamdel El Heindrist. Let go of me this instance, I just want to have a little talk with my baby-!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Despite saying so, Rione's father just keep smiling with a light beam and hugging his wife tightly in his embrace from behind her, as Rione's mother keep struggling. Showing no action of letting go of his wife knowing she'll never let their son go at this rate if she keep clinging to Rione.

Rione's secretary, Julian who in these years already work for Rione as his secretary comes out from the crowd and walk in front of Rione. He put his right hand to his chest in a bowing manner. "As for the works, young Lord will not have to worry as this servant will definitely helps the Lord (Rione's father) with it."

Slight surprise crossed Rione's violet eyes before disappearing as Rione sighed and bowed his head slightly to all people who are out to send him out.

"Very well then. Everyone, thank you for sending me out." They nodded, some of them dramatically cried while most of them smiled at him, every one of them giving him different kinds of response.

"Lord Heindrist please take care of yourself from the dog em- at the palace!"
"We will take care of the old lord and madam!"
"And also the young master and lady!"
"Please come back as soon you have a chance my Lord!"

Rione just nodded with a stiff face before bowing slightly for once again, he then turned around and walked towards the carriage and goes in, he stare at the crowding people in front of the gate through the window while they waved their hands at him.

After getting quite far from his home, Rione exhaled. "How exhausting."

He leaned all of his body weight against the comfortable and soft seat.

'i'll sleep for a bit..' and with that thought, Rione immediately close pair of his beautiful yet vibrant violet eyes, and goes off to his dream land.

Not long after, Rione got woken up by someone who seems to be a maid.

"Uh.. S-Sir, we're here.." the nervous maid stammered over her words, does he look scary enough to scare off a maid?

Regardless, Rione sat up and put his hands over his lap as he hummed and nod his head towards the maid that is being so nervous to the point that she look like she would piss if he told her to.

Rione sighed and wave his hand to dismiss the poor maid. "..Alright."

The maid bowed almost soon after he wave his hand and quickly remain to the side of the carriage, lining up with the other maids that were ordered to welcome Rione by a certain someone.

'I didn't even do anything to her though.'


Rione look around the environment as he step his foot on the palace. 'After I step a foot on this place, my life will never be the same. But hopefully, not.' He thought with a solemnly look.

Right then, a certain red haired knight came up to Rione and bowed slightly with one of his hands against his chest. Before looking at Rione face to face with their eyes gaze each other with the same intensity. They were silent for few seconds, those few seconds made the maids following behind shivered and doesn't dare to open their mouth nor making noises. Afraid to offend these two personal knights of the ruthless emperor.

'Hmm.. is he testing me to see if I'm qualified to be the emperor's personal knight?'

Then Felix smiled.

"Well, Lord Heindrist! The emperor requested for your audience, so follow me. I'll guide you there!" Felix said with a welcoming expression as he stepped aside and gestured with his hand to let Rione walk first.

It's as if those intense aura before was just some facade.


Rione went silence for a while before nodding and walked with the red headed knight. "Alright. And no need to call me with 'Lord Heindrist', I'll be your.. acquaintance soon so, you may call me as whatever you want."

Felix is quite surprised but then he widen his smile. "Okay, may I call you by 'Rione' just how the people in your household call you?"

Rione hums. "Sure, whatever you want to, Felix."

"Okay then! Let's be hurry, since your majesty is quite.. ehem! Moody." Felix whispered the last part but loud enough for Rione to hear, making Rione smiles slightly. "Is that so."

Felix laugh while nodding his head, not refuting Rione. "Yeah, but I believe I am no longer alone to face his moody self now." The corner of Rione's lips lifted up furthermore when he heard Felix's chatter.

'I guess this Felix guy isn't so bad to have around.'

1.071 Words.

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