𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 -06-

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Rione exhaled through his mouth when he surprised himself that he is actually slightly nervous to meet the emperor.

The emperor is rumored to be a tyrant and unbearable because of the story of how the current emperor, Claude De Alger Obelia actually made his way to the throne despite having a crown prince and him being the outcast prince, given the name 'Claude' by the previous emperor, the father of prince Anastacius and Claude.

Which isn't really uncommon story to be heard, that Claude De Alger Obelia, killed his family, his brother and people who supported him in order to claim the throne. Devoured by his greed and turned blind eye to his own family.

Rione find himself curious as well, to find out what this type of person actually looks like and if he is truly like what the rumors describe him. A bloodthirsty monster who can never quench his thirst.

Then, he and Felix arrived in front of imposing looking door, probably caused by the realization that he's going to meet the ruler of this empire and the topic of every single day.

But it doesn't matter to him, because the emperor's appearance is what got him curious.

Both guards that were protecting the doors earlier saw the personal royal guard of the emperor and quickly pull their arms away to let Rione and Felix have their away to goes inside.

Felix knocked twice before a deep yet youthful voice came out from the room.

Felix coughed and fixed his voice "it's me, your majesty. I've brought the person you've requested, the lord of house Heindrist."

'It sounds like as if I'm just an object he just bought, somehow.'

There was silence that made Rione confused for a while, just when he was about to turn his head to the red haired knight, the voice from earlier granted their entrance by humming.

The lord of Heindrist have never been this confused. He haven't even meet the emperor yet

'He is probably too engrossed on his paperworks.' Rione tried to reasons.

Finally, both doors opened itself to show the emperor of the Obelian empire.

Just like the rumor had said.

The first thing Rione notice is that the emperor is incredibly beautiful. He isn't sure if the word of beautiful can be used for a man but the emperor does suit those word.

The emperor has blonde colored hair that it seems to shone because of the sun hitting the back of his head, it made the emperor's appearance to be eternal, the signature eyes of the Obelian royals, ceruluan blue with gem like hue.

And those beautiful eyes is currently on Rione's violet ones. Both eyes analyzing each other.

For a full minute, Rione and the emperor of Obelia only stare at each other without moving like a statue. Both knight and soon-to-be knight still outside the door that had been opened. Felix can only sweat profusely, awaiting a fight to break out.

'Maybe the emperor is going to start criticizing the lord Heindrist because of his 'lack of manners' and 'thinking himself at the same foot as an emper—'

"Come in."

But fortunately the emperor didn't start a fight like he usually would with the other high nobles!

Felix beamed as he walked into the room, all while dragging Rione because that guy keep standing on his foot like a real statue.

The doors then closed, the sound of the doors click cut Rione's train of thoughts. He then realize his lack of manners.

He bowed slightly, doing the etiquette he had been taught by his personal teacher.
"Forgive my rudeness, your majesty-"

But it was cutted off by the emperor.

"No need for formality. Let's jump to the point, shall we?"

Felix felt like as if he has been struck by lightnings. 'Is this still the Claude I know? No need for formality? Asking a person? Not by forcing? Really?'

Claude probably notices it, whatever Felix's face showed, it's definitely not good if the emperor told him to get out of room. "Leave us."

"...Yes, your majesty." Felix bowed before leaving them both to talk about their business.

'... I've never really get kicked out by the emperor, is the matter they're going to discuss that important?' Doesn't matter whether if it is or not, Felix sulked when he stepped out of the room only few minutes after going in.

The guards sweatdropped as they pretended not to see anything.

"Never in my life that i have been kicked out ever since I become his majesty's knight, haha."

But it looks like it'll become a part of his routine from now on.


Claude closed his eyes while he sighed slightly. "Sit there."

The emperor's words seemingly to be directed towards the sofa beside him. So he just does that.

Rione stood for a while to let the emperor sit first before himself. "May I know what's the matter that your majesty wishes to talk with me?"

Claude's piercing eyes felt intimidating that it would made anyone in his position feeling like they don't want to be near his presence.

But they're not Rione, and Rione isn't them.

Rione quietly gaze at the emperor's eyes with a wonder stuck on his mind. 'i've heard about many times, but I've never seen it before my eyes.

His eyes is truly.. sacred.'

The emperor finally talked. "I'm sure Felix have told you about this matter but I'll ask you one more time.

..Rione Heindrist, be my personal knight."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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