𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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I'm laying in Tae's arms right now, while the blanket is over our bodies and we're talking.
I look at the clock.
"It's already late. We should dress up. Namjoon is probably coming soon" I say and wanted to stand up.
"Wait...just...two more minutes. I need cuddles" he says sleepy.
I chuckle a bit.
"Did it hurt? Are you okay?" He asks.
"No, it didn't hurt and yes I'm okay. Are you okay?"
"Of course I am"

I think it's so cute how he always asks after sex if everything is okay.

I chuckle a bit again.
"Good to hear" I say.
It's quiet between us and he just plays with my hair.
"We really have to get up now" I say.
I stand up and start to dress up. He does the same and as we finished tidying up everything, Taehyung left the house, so no one would suspect anything. I sit down on the couch and wait for one of my family members arriving.

I hate it to be alone. I'm scared of that. I just don't like it to be lonely and that's why I'm also afraid of losing people.

After 5 minutes waiting Namjoon finally arrived. I immediately run up to him to hug him.
"Are you alone?" He asks.
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter! How was the date?!" I ask while I let him go. His cheeks are turning red while he smiles.
"It's uhm...it's was good?"
"Good? Just good?"
"Actually, it was perfect"
I pull him by his arm to the couch, sit him down with me and look at him.
"Tell me everything!" I say exited.
"Okay, first I was so nervous, but then she arrived early. She looked so beautiful like always"

Nawww it's so cute how he speak about her...

"She even used make up! Which she doesn't needs to"
"Wait what?! She used make up?! Mihyang? My bestie Mihyang was wearing make up?!"
"Yes! She even had her hair open! And she looked so beautiful"

Mihyang always wear ponytails, so it's always surprising to see hear with open hair.

"Oh my god! She really likes you a lot if she makes her self so pretty for you! Lucky boy!" I say.
He just smiles.
"Anyways! Keep going!"
"Okay, uhm yeah...we sat down at a table and talked. Before we sat down, she tripped over her shoe, which was funny. Then we got our coffees and I broke my fork of the cake and spilled my coffee on me, which was embarrassing. Also, this girl is really so embarrassed of everything, but that's cute. And her smile too... I love her smile...it's so adorable and pretty like her face..."

I feel tears coming up my eyes. That's so cute that I'm gonna cry...it's so romantic to see him in love.
"And then we walked in the park and- are you crying?" He asks worried.
"Yeah, but...keep talking. I'm just sensitive and all this is just...SO CUTE *sobbing*"
He gives me a tissue and I nod as a thank you.
"Well, and then in this park we sat on a bench and just talked a lot. It was interesting to listen to her and I liked it how she listened to me and then...uhm then...ehm...well..."
"What happened?" I ask while sniffing and whiling my tears.
"I uhm...I kissed her"
I stand up in shook.
"Yeah and now we're uhm...we're a couple now...but more on this dating phase" he says.
I start to jump in excitement.
"OMG!!! FINALLY!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" I say screaming.
He chuckles.

Well, that was fast, but they've been in love with each other for a really long time now, so I expected that.

"AHHRGGG!!! You two are so cute together!!! Omg, I'm so excited to see you two in school tomorrow! That will be so cute!"
"Yeah yeah, calm down" he says and sits me down.
"When are mom and dad coming?" He asks.
"Uhm...they should also come soon"


We're in uni now and Joonie was talking the whole ride about Mihyang, which is so god damn it cute!!! We arrived at uni at Mihyang walks up to him. They greet each other and Namjoon gives her a kiss on the cheek and hold her hand.
"NAWWWW!!! That's so adorable!" I say.
"Omg I have to tell you about yesterday" Mihyang says.
"He already told me everything" I say.
Mihyang looks at Namjoon with a bitch gaze.
"I wanted to tell her"
"I don't care. You can tell Jookyung tho"
"Tell me wha- *big gasp* ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS?!" Jookyung asks, who just arrived.
Jookyung and me are jumping together in circles excitedly.
"Oh god.." Namjoon says chuckling.
"They're so weird" Mihyang says.
"Why are you guys jumping like that?" Jungkook, who arrived with the others, asks.
We stop jumping.
"LOOK!" I scream and point at Namjoon's and Mihyang's hands.
Everyone gasps.
"NO WAY!" Jimin says.
"Are you a couple?" Jk asks.
"My dream has come true!" Jin says dramatically.
"Don't kiss in front of us" Yoongi says.
"Congratulations?" Taehyung says.

God, they're all so chaotic.

"I want to be the aunt!" Jungkook says.
"Bro, you're a boy. You would be a uncle" Namjoon says.
"Oh, yeah..."
"The kid should have my name! It's the prettiest ever" Jin says proud.
"We're dating since literally YESTERDAY and you guys already talk about kids?" Mihyang asks.
"Which flavor should be the cake?" I ask.
"Uh uh strawberry!" Hobi says.
"Nah, chocolate is always the best" Jimin says.
"But cheesecake is better" I say.
"They're all weird" Yoongi says to Jookyung.
"You two are the next ones!" Hobi says.
"Yeah! You should also date" Jimin says.
"We're not gonna date before Taehyung and Y/n are dating" Jookyung says.
"Guys! We're just friends!" I say.
"Should we date?" Tae asks.
Everyone looks at him with weird looks.
"What? It was just a question" he says.
"Anyways...Y/n-ssi, don't forget about tomorrow! Tomorrow we have to move into our new apartment" Joon says.
"Oh, right! I almost forgot that" I say.
"Should we help you guys?" Hobi asks.
"That would be nice. Tomorrow at 10am we're getting the keys"
"What? 10am on a Saturday? Never ever. I'm still sleeping at this time" Yoongi says.
"Me too" Mihyang says.
"Same here" Jookyung says.
"I'll help with Jimin" Jk says.
"Same" Tae and Hobi said at the same time.
"I have to take my beauty sleep so no" Jin says.
I roll my eyes in annoyance.
"YAH! Don't roll your eyes at me! I'm older then you!" He says.
"Sorry, bro" I say.
"You better are, girl"


Wordcount: 1147


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