Chapter Eight

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"You can’t think straight. Your head is swimming with all sorts of heated emotions and dirty thoughts. And your body is loving every second of it."

"What’s really happening? You thought to yourself."

"You’re kissing the school’s nerd…... no no no! you’re kissing Roman."

"It doesn't matter!

"Your mind screams. Behind closed doors, he’s a completely different person just oozing a high level of sex appeal, not to mention the heat, passion, and the electricity that radiates of off him."

"The atmosphere was charged. Just a flicker from a match would sure to set it ablaze. You both had to force yourselves apart to get some air and studying done."

“Oh, my goodness! He look so sexy in those glasses. Sunday rolls around and he takes you home.

When Monday chimes in, you’re on campus telling Heather all about your crazy weekend.

Heather: - Ahh! No, shitting me. Are you serious? You two did that? My girl is all grown up.

Candy: - Heather! I don’t want the whole damn world to know. As much as I hate to admit…... it felt nice. Ok gross, pretend you didn’t hear that.  

Heather: - You wish. I’m so happy for you. When are you meeting again?

Candy: - Friday evening, why?

Heather: - Wear something sexy. And oh! Don’t hurry to come back early either. Landscaping takes time. So, does its calculation.

She gives you a wink and nudges you with her elbow.

Candy: - It’s just math tutoring. Get your mind out the gutter. That kiss is just a one-time thing. it won't happen again.

Heather: - Right. Be blind to the signs. I’ll be hearing from you when he decides to show you how to Divide, Multiply, Add and Subtract.

Candy: - You’re unbelievable. I can't believe you just said that. Really?

"You’re standing by your locker chatting, when you see a group of girls surrounding a guy trying to get his attention. The closer they got you realize who it was, his gaze locked on yours instantly with fire and hunger."

"He keeps ignoring the girls around him as he makes his way towards you and plants a kiss to your lips. Loud gasps erupt in the hallway then silence."

Roman: - Morning beautiful.

Candy: - Morning.

"He takes your hand in his and heads to class since you both got the first period together. When he entered the classroom with you in tow, a few faces gave you smiles while the others shot daggers in your direction, but he didn’t care."

Ethan: - Well, it looks like someone picked up a boyfriend over the weekend.

"The smirk on his face daring you to say something. But Roman takes over."

Ethan: - What? I wasn’t good enough for ya? You are so desperate, that you went with the nerd.

Roman: - Dude lay off her. Seems to me like the knee in your gut wasn’t good enough. Shall I try your mouth instead? Maybe this time you'll shut up.

Ethan: - That pussy isn’t worth it Roman, so many girls out there to satisfy your dick and you choose her. She’s nothing but outdated stock.

Roman: - You know what? She and her pussy aren’t the problem here. It’s you and your two centimeters dick that girls need a magnifying glass to see. It’s not even big enough to give the girls you’re with a satisfying scratch. No wonder they all leave you. I’m not the one that needs glasses here, you do. Because this girl right here is the full package.

"His hand wrap around your waist from behind and he plants a kiss to your cheek. You try hiding the blush that’s already forming on your face."

"After the little standoff in class, the day went by surprising uneventful. Romans gave Ethan an insult that made him stay in his lane."

"You speed walk through the halls trying to get out of the building as fast as possible. When you exited the building, you saw Roman standing by his car."

Roman: - Need a lift?

Candy: - Sure. Thanks, by the way, for what you did with the Ethan situation.

Roman: - I’ll do anything for you Candy. I want no-one messing with you.

Candy: - So…. what are we doing for our next tutoring?

Roman: - Division and additions.

You gulp and you turn to see a smile forming on his lips when he says this. Knowing very well what he meant. This was taking it up a notch, he was controlling things smoothly. This is going to be a higher level of teaching.

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