Chapter Nineteen

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"The wedding march is playing and you’re trying your best to calm your mountain wrecking nerves, as you make your way to the beginning of the ceremonial hall. Along the way, you pass the walls with flower dècor and fairy lights."

"When you’ve reached the entrance, you were greeted by a beautiful sight. There, adorning the hall were angelic white drapes, accompanied by white roses and lilies wrapped in rose vines, while circular gold chandelier hangs from the roof."

"Playing wedding was your favorite when you were little. And now, you're experiencing a live one."

"The guest stands as you make your way down the aisle, your eyes locking with Romans instantly as he drinks you in. A blush spreads across your face and he smiles at you sweetly."

"He looks so handsome and relaxed in his suit. His biceps, and the cut of his muscular chest fits perfectly under the material."

"Some of the female guest had no shame, their eyes stripping him naked in their minds. The nerve, but you shake the jealous thoughts out. Knowing Roman is all yours."

"You made it to the end of the aisle without any calamities."

"Thank the heavens."

"You hate heels."

"He takes your hand placing a soft kiss on your knuckles and hold your gaze."

Pastor: - Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Roman and Candy. If any thinks that these two should not be together, speak now or forever hold your peace.

"As the official say the necessary requirements binding you together, you feel hope, joy and a sense of peace. This is where a new chapter of your life begins."

Pastor: - I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

"Roman steps forward removing your veil and leans the rest of the way in taking control of your lips, tender, sweet. It’s as though he’s savoring this moment not wanting it to end. And wanting it to be embedded in his memory. When you break the kiss, you felt an uneasiness in your stomach. Your head feeling light, and you sway a bit."

"What the hell?"

Roman: - Babe, you feeling alright? You look a little pale.

Candy: - I don’t think so, my head and stomach feels weird. I don't know what is going on.

Pastor: - Mrs. Port, would you like to sit? Take a moment to breathe.

Candy: - Yeah, that would be great, thank you.

"As Roman escorts you to the front row seats, your legs give out before you can make it, and that's when everything went black. He catches you quickly before you kiss the porcelain tiles and picks you up bridal style walking towards the exit."

Roman: - Dad, please call an ambulance. She needs to go to the hospital. Something is wrong.

Alan: - On it son.

"His dad makes the call, and it doesn’t take long for an ambulance to reach. At the hospital, they take you into emergency while Roman fills out the paperwork. Exactly at one hour and twenty-two minutes later, the doctor emerges from the room and walks up to Roman and smiles."

Doctor Roots: - She’s fine, they both are. Congratulations Mr. Port, you’re going to be a dad. You can go see her; she’s asking for you since she regained consciousness.

Roman: - Thank you, doc.

"You’re sitting on the bed swinging your foot back and forth when Roman walks in. He doesn’t say anything, just walks up to you and pulls you in for a bear hug. You try to pull away but he wouldn't let you."

Roman: - This is the best gift ever.

Candy: - What are you talking about, babe? What is the best gift ever?

Roman: - You’re pregnant.

                                      Authors note: -

We're coming to an end, one more chapter to go.

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