Chapter Twenty

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You just got one of the best news of your life on your wedding day. You’re pregnant! Your day couldn’t possibly get better than this. You and Roman are going to be parents! You're still shock by the news of the new addition to the family. Tiny fingers and toes will be joining you.

Candy: - I’m going to be a mom, this…this is amazing.

Roman: - I know, and I couldn’t be happier. You are going to be a great mother. Our little girl is going to turn out beautiful just like her mom.

Candy: - And you a great dad. But how do you know it wouldn't be a boy? I mean, nothing is wrong with having a princess. I know you’re going to care for and love this child with all your heart, so I am not worried.

The doctor comes in to check up on you. Before he can give you all clear.

Doctor Roots: - Ok Mrs. Port, you are free to go, you are doing fine so there's no need for you to stay. Make sure to take lots of rest, and you will be good to go.

Candy: - Thank you, doc.

Doctor Roots: - Mr. Port, please ensure she takes good care, no hard work.

Roman: - I’ll make sure of it doc.

You smile wide at your new husband. Taking his role seriously.

Candy: - You heard the doc, no hard work.

Roman: - I pretty sure that excludes play and eating time.

His eyes are dark and hungry with want. After signing out, you both hop into his car parked outside and drove off. You notice as go, the streetlights start being replaced by…...trees? Palm trees, coconut trees and cane stalks. The perfect scene for a resort.

Candy: - Aren’t we going home?

Roman: - Not just yet, I have a surprise for you.

He drives along a tree lined and semi dirt road, until a house comes into view.

Candy: - Wow! That house looks incredible.

Roman: - I know, that’s why I bought it.

Candy: - Come again. My ears were drinking water.

Roman: - I…. bought this house. It’s my wedding gift to you. We will also be spending our honeymoon here. I think you'll like the landscape and the scenery.

Candy: - I love it. But Roman, I have nothing to give you.

Roman: - Babe, you’ve already given me the number one gift and I love it. So, stop worrying Mrs. Port.

He gives a reassuring smile, while rubbing slow gentle circles on your tummy.

Roman: - I’m in this for the long run, no short cuts, no sweeping things under the rug. The road ahead will be tough, so I want you to remember this. Whatever life may throw at us we’ll tackle it together.

Candy: - You have my support in this, you’ve been good to me from day one. I want you to know that I have your back.

Roman: - Forever?

Candy: - Forever.

One year later.

Alan: - Got any updates on our neighbors? They are getting bold lately.

Roman: - A package came with my name on it.

Alan: - Let me see.

He stops and stares at the content with tensed shoulders.

Roman: - What? What is it?

Alan: - You should see for yourself.

Roman: - Those sons of a bitch!



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