Chapter Nine

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"It’s been about a month now that you and Roman have been seeing each other. And he’s been nothing but a gentleman. Sweet, caring and a total badass with those glasses on."

Candy: - So what you think I should wear? You know I'm not the dress-up type.

Heather: - I don't think he'll care what you wear. He seems to like you just the way you are. Since you ask, wear something cute, yet simple. I don’t want you to look like you’re going to hump his bones instead of studying.

Candy: - Heather!

Heather: - I’m just joking. Here... try this on. He wants you, so stop tryna hide.

"She gives you your outfit, it’s a plain black skirt and a long sleeve sweater. Showing some skin around the waist."

Candy: - How do I look?

Heather: - Perfect!

"Your phone pings with a text on the nightstand."

Roman: - Hey babe, I’m outside.

Candy: - Coming.

"You quickly grab your stuff and head out the apartment. The cool evening breeze kissing on your legs and exposed stomach, when you reach outside. Roman were leaning on a light pole with his hands tucked in his jeans pocket, his car parked across the street." 

Candy: - Hey, ready to go?

Heather: - Candy! Wait! You forgot your bag.

Candy: - What bag?

Heather: - This one, here.

Candy: - I don’t need that bag. I got what I need right here.

Heather: - Well…. you sort of do.

"She glances at Roman nervously, who was calm as ever then back to you".

Candy: - What’s going on?

Heather: - Please!!! don’t get mad. So, my boyfriend wanted to come over and spend some time with me. So, I kind of took the opportunity and ask Roman if you can stay with him for a week.

Candy: - YOU WHAT!!!!

Heather: - But don’t worry he agreed, he has no problem with it.

"She gives Roman your bag and leans in for a hug whispering in your ear, so only you can hear."

Heather: - Please forgive me if I upset you but you need this plus, he cares about you, let him love you and treat you right. You can't run forever Candy.

"Your shoulders shrug feeling a bit defeated and betrayed by your friend."

Candy: - Fine. I’ll give it a chance. If anything goes wrong, I’m blaming you.

Heather: - Thank you. You won't regret it, trust me.

"She releases you from her embrace and helps you across the street and into his car".

Roman: - Ready?

Candy: - Yeah, I’m ready.

"You wave goodbye to each other as the car drove off. When you arrive at his place, you settle in, and he gets started on dinner. He’s chopping carrots in the kitchen while you enjoy the view from where you’re sitting on the couch. That is until he calls you over."

Roman: - You wanna chop some carrots for me?

Candy: - Uh... yeah, I can do that, sure.

"You walk over to him and take the knife with shaking hands and start chopping."

Roman: - That’s to big. Here, let me give you a hand.

"He positioned himself behind you, placing his hand over yours holding you. Your breath catches in your throat and your breathing picks up. His front pressed flush against your back and you feel his member, hard chest and solid abs through the thin fabric of your clothing."

Roman: - Here, like this.

"Your hands both moved in sync, you shiver at the feel of his breath on your ear, awakening every cell in your body. He moved his hands resting them on your hips as he starts planting small kisses on you neck."

"One of his hand starts roaming your body caressing your breast, thighs, making it way lower and lower until it’s inside your underwear."

"Massaging and pinching the sensitive flesh on your clit. A breathless moan left your mouth, your head fell back on his shoulder, as he slips a finger inside you."

"Moving it in and out at a steady pace before he adds another. You go on your tip toes moving in his arms, the sensation overwhelming. His fingers pick up its pace inside you, your moans coming louder, your breathing heavier."

"He tilts your neck to the side so he can capture your mouth with kiss. You clenched around his fingers as he brings you closer to the edge."

Roman: - Come for me baby.

"His voice soft, smooth like silk with a command that sends you overboard. You came hard, your juices coating his fingers, your knees buckle ready to give out, so he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bedroom."

"He lays you gently on the bed and cleans you up with a washcloth then himself before heading back to the kitchen."

Roman: - I’ll go finish dinner, you get some rest, I’m saving you for dessert. That was just a taste of what's to come. I want to taste every last bit of you.

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