Chapter Ten

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"Talk about fun and an exciting red hot weekend. Pleasure after pleasure as Roman devours you. Who would ever think that he has a dominant side that you never thought of seeing."

"A predator and you’re the prey."

"He never ceases to amaze you with his hands, his tongue and his fine working tool."

Roman: - We’ve got fifteen minutes, babe.

Candy: - I don’t know what to wear. Heather always helps me with this.

Roman: - You’ll look great in anything. But if you want something specific, here try this.

"You try on the outfit he gives you and fits perfectly".

Candy: - Well?

Roman: - Can’t we stay home, please? That way you can forget about what clothes to wear. It would be the least of your worries. I wouldn’t mind at all.

Candy: - Are you forgetting today is the exams that decides our fate?

Roman: - No. Do you know there are many ways to close down a school? I have millions.

Candy: - I have no doubt you do, come on let’s go. We don’t wanna be late.

"Driving with him to school, the rides were always fun filled, laughter, learning about one another. Side glances every now and then, touching and one or two stops along the way, to take care of business. If you know what I mean."

"All eyes are you when you reach the campus, some of envy, some rewarding and some just plain hate. The same old looks. Roman didn’t care as to who likes it or not."

"He holds your hand proudly and you both walk to class. Since today is the finals and after that grad, you’re a bit nervous yet excited as to how well you would do."

"Chatters fills the room when you step in and your teacher stood in front of the class."

Mr. Hoyte: - Ok class, settle down so we can begin. I want no talking, no cheating or you’ll be eliminated.

"Everyone took their seats and waited for instructions".

Mr. Hoyte: - You may begin.

"Pens and pencils start moving on paper, everyone focus fix in steady concentration".

Roman: - Just remember, relax. And do your best.

Candy: - I am, thanks.

"Knowing that Roman is right next to you is really comforting. You begin your exam and is hopeful for a good grade."

"You do well in other subjects, it’s just the math’s you hate. After what seemed like forever, and lots of calculations the timer goes off signaling the time is up".

Mr. Hoyte: - Pens and pencils down everyone, you may hand up your paper as you leave. I wish you the best of luck, see you at grad.

Roman: - You want to do some celebrating? And we can Netflix and chill later. Maybe cuddle if you want.

Candy: - Can we hit Cottage Café first, to get something to eat? It’s nice there.

Roman: - You want to invite your friend? I know you two are pretty close.

Candy: - She texted, told me she’s going out with her boyfriend to do some celebrating of their own, and we’d have girls time alone soon, no guys allowed.

Roman: - Damn, I’m jealous. She will have you all to herself. You sure you can't make an exception? I'm really good at girl talk.

Candy: - It’s just for a day, besides you have me whole week.

Roman: - You have no idea how bad I want you; clothing isn’t an option. I don't like sharing.

"You elbow him in the side".

Roman: - Ow! What you do that for?

Candy: - Is that all you think about? You will survive, you big baby.

Roman: - When it comes to you baby, of course. It's all nude and dirty. It's a job in my mind twenty-four seven.

"Your time at the café was well spent. You felt like a load was lifted off your shoulders. When you arrive back at the house, you treated yourself to a nice warm bath with bath bombs."

"After which you sat in the TV room to watch some Netflix. You’re enjoying the show cuddling into his side, when someone came knocking at the door."

Roman: - Ugh! Who the hell could that be?

Candy: - Stop complaining and answer it, I’ll pause the movie for you.

"He gets up with a groan and answered the door".

Roman: - What the hell are you doing here?

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