Chapter 15: Good Influence

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Minnie worried greatly about what would happen once the school year began again.

To distract herself, she picked up a book about guitars. She tried reading everything she could. She bought a set of strings from Dominic's Maestro shop.

She'd been promised by Uncle Jack that she could stop by one morning over the break and he'd string the guitar. He also promised her a first lesson before the store opened for the day.

One morning, a week before the start of school, her father brought her to Diagon Alley to spend a day the record shop. 

He left with the intent of visiting Grandma Longbottom again. He said he'd be back that evening to take her home.

Uncle Jack strung the guitar before teaching her the basic chords. For being a man of many words, his teaching was simple and concise. It was refreshing to just sit and learn something without worrying about the rest of the world.

Half an hour before the store opened Cas' father arrived.

"Hello Jack." Mr. Warrington exclaimed as he walked in carrying a box, "I have Cas stacking Aisle's X and Y for you."

Minnie's throat tightened, she hadn't considered that Cas might be at the shop. She scolded herself for not considering that he would probably be there with his dad. She would have worn something nicer, or made sure her hair looked better.

"Good." Uncle Jack answered before placing Minnie's guitar against a box, "Why don't you watch the front of the house while I grab us all some grub for lunch? Since Minnie is here I figured I'd treat us all to some Leaky Cauldron sandwiches, Hannah does make the best."

"That would be excellent." Mr. Warrington's face brightened as he noticed Minnie, "Hello little Longbottom Lady, I forgot you were coming here today."

"Hi Mr. Warrington." Minnie waved a little. "Uncle Jack's teaching me guitar."

"I heard!" Mr. Warrington exclaimed before crossing his arms. Minnie noticed he still didn't have a wand.

"She's certainly a superior student." Uncle Jack winked at her. "I hope to maybe teach you more over the Summer. Maybe, I'll convince you to work for me, the pay will be tolerable and I'll teach you guitar."

"Really?" Minnie asked, that sounded absolutely perfect. She could make some pocket money that way.

"I'll talk to your parents." Uncle Jack laughed, "Your mum and I used to spend Summers working for your Grandmother at her shop. Your mum was more dedicated later, but of course, I was going through things."

Minnie nodded, she hadn't gotten there in the book yet.

"We'd definitely enjoy having you around." Mr. Warrington insisted before putting down the box of records. "Maybe keep up your good influence on Cas."

"Good influence?" Minnie repeated in confusion. 

"He told me you two had become close, and honestly I've noticed a change in him." Mr. Warrington exchanged a look with Uncle Jack. "He's always been a studious studier, but he's been reading more and he's certainly got more pep in his research. He wants to work longer hours and he's very dedicated to some article he's writing for that silly little Gazette. Not to mention, he's been smiling more, something I haven't seen since his mu-well in a very long time."

"I mean the influence of a good woman can have positive effects. I personally have never noticed them, considering women often distract my attention in a more negative way, which is why I have chosen to remain a bachelor." Uncle Jack said wistfully.

"Yeah." Mr. Warrington nodded with an eyebrow raised, "Something like that. While Jack goes and grabs us some all a spot of lunch, why don't you go say hello? I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visit."

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