Chapter 20: Moly Tea

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Minnie and her mother followed Harry to the Great Hall where an assembly of Aurors had congregated. There was at least a dozen of them, each doing different jobs. 

Some were looking over architecture transcripts floating in the air. Another set had pictures that would change between suspects and victims.There was one who was inspecting wands and repeating over and over different spells that were useful for duels.

Minnie was fascinated, her eyes didn't know where to look. In other circumstances, this would be amazing.

It seemed only Professor Temperance had remained to try and help the Aurors. The other teachers had rightly decided to protect the students on the train. Professor Temperance was seated beside a man at one of the tables who was pulling pressed herbs from a bag.

"Samantha, Minnie?" Professor Temperance asked with wide eyes, "I'd be sure you'd both be on the train."

"No," Her mother said standing straighter.

Harry sent her mother a terrifying side eye, "She made a few very strong arguments."

"Threaten to stun him?" Temperance asked with a smirk.

"Hex." Her mother chortled as Duke climbed into her pocket.

Temperance held out her hand to the man beside him, "See Selwin, I told you Fyre would whip Potter into staying behind."

The man, Selwin, reached out an olive colored hand with a single Galleon, "Yeah, but you didn't bet the kid was staying, so I'll only give you half."

"Potter, is that wise?" Atticus Marwood asked after running up to them, "Having a kid here?"

Harry raised both eyebrows at Marwood.

"Sorry, I am asking the wrong person." Marwood said before looking at Minnie's mum, "Samantha"

"Atticus." Her mother nodded and reached up for a hat that wasn't there. Minnie was surprised her mother greeted this man with both casual discussion and admiration. 

"I wish I could say it was nice to see you in these sorts of situations." Atticus admitted with a look around the room. "We're going to get Neville back."

Her mother pursed her lips in response.

"You going to help us Minnie?" Temperance asked before whispering to Selwin, "Makes sense, she's got an amazing Patronus charm."

"Sure, that's why she's here." Harry said before putting his wand to his throat. His voice became amplified, "Everyone, we have a real suspect now. His name is Lark Crawford. He is possibly the one at the center of the Dementor's attacks. We need to find out immediately everything we know about him. He is apparently a master of enchantments and until recently worked for the New York Glass. I need someone dispatched to the Daily Prophet immediately and I need someone to put out a warrant for his arrest."

Everyone around them began scurrying. They ran like rats on a wheel, each moving quicker at their task than previously. 

Harry took the wand from his throat, "Samantha, perhaps we should talk a bit more about Crawford?"

"I suppose I can't avoid it." Her mother nodded awkwardly looking back at Minnie.

"Away from Minnie, I think you would like a few of these questions to remain private." Harry suggested making her mother's face contort. Her nose flared and a flush raced across her face. 

"I think that is appropriate." Her mother nodded to Minnie, "Stay with Professor Temperance please Minerva."

"Of course mum." Minnie said before seeing that Professor Temperance was patting the seat beside her.

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