Chapter 14: Correspondence

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Dear Lysander

You caught me I suppose. It was more than just skipping a Gazette meeting. I had said some pretty awful things to my parents and I skipped the meeting to snog with Hector Owens. I don't know why I didn't tell you everything, I think I just wanted someone in this bloody world on my side.

I wouldn't be upset with you about your rather pissed state. I assume people, especially ones who have never been exposed to that amount of 'wrackspurts', are allowed to be a bit beyond their limits.

I don't know how you learned about Hector and I. It doesn't matter anyway because I'm breaking it off with him, he's incredibly too pushy and clingy. I keep avoiding him if I'm honest.

The dragons are finally making real progress. They are now eating together which is more progress than previously reached.

I have decided to continue as Sports Editor, I am to cover the Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw game this weekend. I do not plan to miss anymore meetings as I did make a commitment.

I honestly miss you my friend, please distract me from my woes, how is Ollivander treating you?


Dear Lissy,

I miss you as well. Ollivander's is going wonderfully. I have begun learning the art of wand making fully and not just watching the shop. I recently made a beautiful wand of birch with a unicorn hair. The wood seems to speak to me in different ways and I love creating with it.

I am excited for the dragons. Mum says at this rate we will have dragon babies by May.

Josie mentioned in a letter to Lorcan that you two were involved. Hector seemed an alright fellow, but if he is not who you'd like to continue seeing, I will take your word for it. I confess I don't know a lot about him aside from when he and Josie were connected and his presence on the Quidditch Pitch.

I am thankful you will continue as Sports Editor, your young stand in, he is barely comparable to your knowledge of the game.

I am always glad to distract you from woes alone, I don't want to distract you from schoolwork or anything else. 

I do miss you as well, it becomes more difficult as nearly all of my friends are younger than I and still in school. Ollivander is fine company during the day I suppose, but I spend most evenings with mum, dad and the creatures. 

Honestly, I am glad that when Christmas is here, everyone will be home. Then I can see all of my closest companions, you especially included.

 I hope you and your family will be at the Potter's party. Mum has already been to your Grandmother's shop to buy us all new outfits. Thankfully she is not insisting my brother and I match her outfits in anything but color. 

Your devoted friend,


Dear Lysander,

You could not distract me from schoolwork, I have decided to throw myself into it a bit more. I simply miss you dear friend.

Do not tell your mother, but I am starting to lose a bit of hope. Since my letter to you last week Dusty and Duke have made no further progress. Still simply eating together. I know that they  imitate what they are exposed to. Hagrid and I wonder if we should expose them to more romantic couples. The only issue is finding them. 

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