such a idiot

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I'm at Conan's house still kinda in a daze. I was supposed to talk to Conan but here I am obsessing over my high-school bully.

"Angel!" Conan said like he has tried to get my attention multiple times.


"Look I know that you're still in shock but we are here to hang out."

"Yeah, I'm sorry what do you wanna do?"


I'm now playing a game. I forgot the name, we have been playing for a while. I'm trying to build my house after Conan blew it up again and again. My phone starts to ring, making a loud and annoying sound.

"Hello?" I say picking up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, Angel I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" The familiar sound of Billie's voice said.

"Uh yeah, when?"

"How about Thursday at 5 pm?"

I rack my mind trying to remember if I have plans but nothing comes to mind. "Yeah, that sounds great see you then."

"Ok, see you then bye," Billie said excitedly.

"Bye," I say hanging up. and putting my phone on the coffee table.

"Who was that?" Conan said looking at me and then back at the screen.

"Billie" I respond grabbing my controller.

"Ooo Billie I like her, she seems chill."

"Yea, she is," I say smiling

"Does someone have a crush?" Conan teases.

"No, she's just a friend," I say glaring at him

"Whatever you say Gel." He says grinning.

"Conan I'm being for real, please stop calling me that."

"I shall never stop, I love making you miserable." I sigh defeated and continue doing what I was doing before.


"Conan," I whine. "This is so boring," I say pushing the cart through the aisle.

"Too bad you were the one that said "All your food is trash" so here we are getting better food," Conan said putting things in the cart. I groan once more looking around until my eyes locked on someone familiar. They turn around and just as I thought it was Larri Merritt. My old friend from high school was a senior and I was a freshman. He was also so fucking funny and probably still is. I yell his name to get his attention.

Girl, is that you, Angie?" Larri asks, walking towards me. Angie was the nickname that only he called me. Is it weird that I have missed that awful nickname? "Yeah, it's me, Larri; how have you been?"

"I've been doing good I guess nothing has happened lately."

"Oh well, I have so much to tell you here's my number cuz I got a new phone," I say writing my number on paper I randomly have in my pocket along with a pen.

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