*̩̩̥͙-•̩̩͙-ˏˋ⋆𝑽:feelings are something else, aren't they?⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙-*̩̩̥͙

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the next morning was a rather chaotic one, starting off with the sound of an argument. no, it was definitely scolding. he could tell by zia's tone of voice from outside the door and the fact that the other person was completely silent. although the young girl rarely spoke back to adults, it seemed like that could be the only option since the boy who was supposed to be working as a comfortable pillow usually talked back and is missing from his small m. the sudden realization hit that he was spending yet another night in the naacal's bed, mind racing as he franticly looked around for a clue of anything going on. the bright sun blinded him slightly, leaving him stunned for a few seconds till he finally realized frantic searching for something outside of the room while inside of the room wouldn't be the most helpful thing to do. he slipped out from under the covers, not caring much to leave them neat, slid on the same sandals he wore everyday and stepped outside, not even trying to fix his most likely messed up hair. looking down the hallway he could easily see the other chosen one lecturing the other boy, wearing a face of concern to the boy's exhausted face. -you can't just stay up all night tao! it's bad for your health. you seriously need to take a break.- her voice came out as a plea for him to stop rather than a upset tone and it felt heart-shattering to both of the boys there. -i.... i had a break yesterday! plus, i had something in mind and it would've been better to get my mind off it then just stare at the ceiling for hours on end....- tao's voice spoke out in a whisper, sounding coarse and honestly like he hadn't drank any sort of fluid in the past six hours, a likely happening. well at least that explained why esteban couldn't hear him well! -you sound awful tao! seriously, get some rest. you need it.-the young girl sounded so endlessly worried, grabbing onto the naacal's hands. memories of the other boy's hand swarmed into the child of the sun's head, he wasn't sure why but he wished his friend would just rest for once. yeah sure, they'd gotten up and ran around late at night but he seriously thought all his energy was gone. i mean, doesn't that usually stop people? -i'll be fine... this argument is going nowhere anyways..- the naacal ignored his clear exhaustion, sighing before attempting to walk down the hallway to where presumsbly would be his room. -wha... esteban?- a face of subtle shock appeared on tao's face, a sigh of realization set as he saw he's been caught. -tao why'd you stop? oh! oh..- zia put her hand on the other boy's shoulder, discerning the brunette standing slightly out of the doorway of the naacal's room, sharing a rather dazed expression as the one the other boy. -good morning you two?- esteban wore a smile that could only be described as awkward and confused, yet he knew exactly what had happened. -how much of that did you hear.- the cold regard that tao fired straight back at him made him feel a tingle go up his back, the fear that boy had made the brunette worried. -that doesn't really matter, does it? aha..- worry sprang to life in mere seconds as the child of the sun started to walk forward himself. -did either of you get any sleep? my goodness...- zia sighed disappointingly, grabbing tao's hand and dragging him down the hallway to meet up with the other boy. -meh, he got more sleep than me..- the naacal looked at the other boy with the same look of certainty, however the child of the sun couldn't tell where that certainty arised from. meanwhile, the other boy's mind was racing, thinking of all the possible combinations of dialogue he could get. perhaps another "you need to sleep!" one or maybe a "jeez you look like shit.."

it's not like esteban looked any better himself. his hair was all over the place, which says a lot based on how his hair usually sits. he truly looked like he just had waken up from a two year sleep and honestly, his bones ached as if that two year sleep truly had happened. -that's still not a good sign tao.- zia said blankly, eyes of sheer disappointment fluttering at the other boy. -let's just go eat, you guys must be hungry.- tao dismissed the disheartened sentence from the young girl, looking ahead back at esteban. his messy brown hair shockingly made him look more cutesy, well, at least to the naacal he did. -sure.... zia c'mon... i'll deal with tao later, i'm hungryy....- the child of the sun drawls, yawning occasionally and shuffling across the hallway, still not thinking with much clarity. -...fine.- she cuts it off short and sweet, getting straight to the point. she isn't pleased with these two tired idiots, but she'll stay with them anyways. and so, their short walk to the dinning room begins, small pitter patters filling the hallway. esteban kept going from staring at the floor to occasionally glancing at his friends' hands. it feels like a foreign memory to him, despite being so close and recent, and it drives him a little crazy to think about it. is this what happens when you leave a man to think by himself for two years? the silence of the hall was almost suffocating, but that shallow atmosphere shattered once mendoza and laguerra were heard, whispering to each other and sharing small hushed laughs. zia smiled softly, oblivious to the two boys sharing a sheepish look. tao scoffed, gripping onto esteban's hand and dragging him forward to insure they wouldn't have to blow their cover. -ah! good morning kids.- the captain spoke, truly resonating the feeling of a dad pulling their kid out of the bed for another day of... whatever dads do. the trio didn't really know what normal dads did. -good morning you two!- the young girl smiled softly at the unofficial couple in front of her, seeing the clear implications of their fun. as much as she knew the other's hated it, she found their relationship kind of sweet despite it's weird enemies to lovers parts. she turned to look back to the two boys, observing the nervous look on the child of the sun's face and the exhausted look from the naacal's. did something happen between them? she guessed that they had quite simply had some tiny argument last night and were to tired to articulate their apologies to each other or something like that. -good morning zia. oh and uhm, you as well tao and esteban.- laguerra spoke softly, clearly not encouraged by the look of the two boys. -...did you two even rest last night? my god...- mendoza sighed roughly, a disappointed look plastered onto his face. -esteban did, as shocking as that sounds!- the sarcasm added a charm to tao's few words, making it clear he was too tired for this kind of shit. -and, let me guess, you immediately once he fell asleep went to work? you seriously need to rest properly for once. do i need to watch over your room for another week?- the older man spoke diligently, threatening another attempt to stop the naacal's hard work. -you've had to do that before?- the child of the sun was shocked, even though he probably shouldn't have been. -yeah, little guy over here loves to overwork himself, we don't have a definite plan to stop him yet.- the captain spoke in a teasing manner, resting his arm on the naacal's head. -noted! i'll try my best to make this dumb idiot to bed.- esteban spoke in the same tone of voice, elbowing into a currently five seconds from snapping boy. -yeah right, i'd like to see you try.- the clearly annoyed boy gave back a snarky. the two adults and young girl giggled at the two boys, sharing a confident glare at each other before crossing their arms and tilting their head away. it was odd how identical they seemed, but no one was going to judge, it was just a silly ha-ha funny thing to them after all. -yeah yeah.. c'mon boys, it's breakfast time.- mendoza quickly spun around to behind the boys, pushing them through the door as they kept the pose.

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