Today was interesting. (3)

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narrator pov:

Manager Ty reminds all of the boys to make it on time for their meeting before 9 am.
All the boys get the hint of it and goes to sleep early.

____________________ the next day ___
Some of the boys wake up early to shower and get ready and head towards the living room,
all except Regie and Oliver.

Oliver couldn't find a towel to dry his hair, so he walked into Regie room to ask if he had a spare towel, Which half asleep, Regie replied "Yeah i do, lemme get it". 

Regie gets up out of his bed with only his briefs on showing his toned abs and muscles.
Oliver gets shocked at the sight while Regie heads toward him to give him the towel.

Oliver stammered as he was trying to say thank you, While his face gets flustered and red.

Regie asks if Oliver is okay due to how red his face was and puts his hands on Oliver face to see if he was sick.
And because of that act, Oliver became even more flustered, and his face was heating up. He snatched the towel and ran out to the living room where the others were.

Regie stands there, wondering why he's acting so weird, but he too showers and gets ready and heads down.

Once Everyone were in the living room,
Manger Ty got all of the boys attention he explains the video idea for today; having fun at the beach.

Everyone's like the Idea so they all get ready and dressed for the beach and bring some beach stuff alongside.

Everyone heads out but realizes there's not enough space in the car, so Manager Ty Decides to split them up in two groups.

Group 1 : Kane , Darren, Justin and manager Ty

Group 2 : Oliver, Regie, Ryan, Sebastian

Oliver POV :
During the car ride it was very quiet and awkward.

I attempted to stir up a conversation with the rest of us.

"So what are you guys excited for ?"
no one seem to answer for a few minutes until Regie spoke up.

"i'm excited for volleyball to be honest". He says smiling

"Oo me too! we should decide our teams right now". I say grinning back

"How' bout we team up ?" I ask.

And everyone agrees though we are one person short

And we spent the rest of the cat ride singing and relaxing to the breeze.

Third POV:

They arrive at the beach and start recording once they step foot on sand.

They set up everything and start havibg fun.

"Regie, Oliver, Ryan and Seb are going to be a team" says Ty
"and the rest of you guys are together"
( time speed )
Reg POV:
My team have 19 points while the other has 15.

I saw the ball coming towards me and Oli direction but neither of us could be able to get it so i decided to jump for it not seeing Oli was right in front of me.

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