Apology (4)

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(Pls vote and comment and follow for updates !! id be very glad if you guys didd, buttt onto the storyy😘)


I woke up to my alarm sound going off

I got out of bed and went to the shower, I step into the shower, slid the curtain shut, and just let the water fall onto as i think of what happened yesterday.

i spaced out for a while thinking about the situation yesterday but snapped back into reality when I heard serval knocks come from the door. Then I hear Reg yelling in a whiny voice "who ever is in the shower, pleeeaaasseee hurry up, I need take a piss UGHH". hurried to wash myself up, got out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my waist so then I don't flash him whilst drying my hair with a towel.

When I open the door I didn't realize how close we would be, but we were face to face.

His eyes, and my eyes staring right at each other, I look down to avoid eye contact, but was met with Regs tan skinned abs. when I say I screamed out loud, I LITERALLY SCREAMED OUT LOUD.

"Uhm Oli are you good? you just screamed..." I heard Reg say.

"Uhm yeah I'm okay, I just saw a cockroach pass by.." I say as an excuse.

"well you can go ahead, and use the bathroom" I say while awkwardly grinning at him.

I walk past Reg as fast as I could but was pulled back by him, and he asked with a somewhat worried face,

"Are you sure you're okay, cuz I definitely know the difference between your fake smile, and your real smile, and that right thereee was a fake smile.."

"yes Reg I'm really okay, it's just that I'm standing right here half naked, and its really cold in this hallway man" I make up a half ass lie..

"Oh right, sorry go ahead, and get dressed, don't disappear on me out of nowhere" Reg says while trying to copy the scared emoji ( 😱 ).

I let out a chuckle, and nodded back, and got back to my room and dressed up,

I put on a white tank top, black hoodie, and some grey sweats.

Then I just flopped onto my bed while staring at the ceiling and spacing out.

( and yes he has his underwear on before you guys question if he doesn't 🌝)


I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear, which shook me out of my dreams.

I got up, and grabbed a towel, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed up,

I put on a black T, my boxers of course..., and put on some white sweats and put on my slippers to keep my feet warm since it was quite chilly in this mansion.

I notice it was almost 8 so I go to Ryan and shook him since he had somewhere to be today at 8:30 according to what says on mines and his schedule , and yes you might think that's weird I know what he does in a day BUT, he told me to keep track of his since he's lazy. (🧍‍♀️)

I kept shaking Ryan to wake him up but to no avail, so I, BIG DADDY SEB ( 🫡 ) decided to pick him up which Ryan doesn't say no to since he is so tired, and he wraps his legs around my waist and arms around my neck while I bring him to the bathroom.

I put him down and he washes his face and brushes his teeth then finally showers.

I took out a towel for him and set it down on the bar and walk out and shut the door.

He finishes showering around 8:20, Ryan walked out and put on a sweater and some grey shorts.

We walked down to the front doors, I grabbed my keys and headed out with him, we walked to my motorcycle, and gave him a helmet, then put mines on. Then we drove off to wherever Ryan had to be.



After dropping off Ryan, Seb rides through traffic easily back to the mansion.

Seb takes off to the living room where all the members are, just staring at him staying quiet not uttering a single word.

Manager Ty comes out which saved the awkwardness.

"Okay everyone, Seb here wants apologize for what he did regarding the problem yesterday, please be mature about this, a-" Manager Ty says before getting cut off.

"WAIT. How did Seb come up with an apology faster than Darren bag someone ??" Kane says letting out annoyed chuckle.

"AY MAN DON'T EVEN THIS BOUT SOMETHING ELSE" Darren yells while slurring his words like he was a drunk dude.


"Seb stayed up till 4 and worked on an apology for you guys and here he is trying apologize, so get your ears listening." Manager Ty says in a much more clammer voice.

(That was a lie 😊 Seb didn't create a apology obviously )

Everyone looks at Seb and putting all their attention on him with an unamused face.

"My sincerest apology to you guys all. I know what I did was immature and very very wrong of me to do, and for causing a scene in public. My sincerest apologies to Regie and my brother especially. I am very sorry for hurting you over some dumb shit. I AM VERY SORRY TO ALL OF YOU FOR RUINING THE WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUN DAY . I hope that you can forgive me for my wrongful doing yesterday.

It is fine by me if you don't forgive me, thank you for listening to my apology.

Then someone started clapping which did not come from the boys in front of Seb but rather came from Ryan who got back by bus.

"Not the time ?" Ryan says with an awkward smile as his clapping slowly faded, then stopped, and he just stood there standing by Manager Ty. (😃 🧍‍♀️)

Seb turns and look at the other boys waiting for answers, standing there looking back and forth form Manager Ty + Ryan to the boys

"We forgive you" Regie and Oliver says, then from the rest of the boys.

"We understand why you would react like that first of all, you know? protecting your brother and all" Justins says smiling.

"Yeah. you know we can't stay mad at each other forever, you're all like a real family to me" Regie says, along with the rest of the boys agreeing.

Manger Ty and the boys all go in for a hug except for Ryan since he wasn't a really touchy person to others except Seb.

Ryan just stood away from them and looked awkwardly around till he locked eyes with the rest of the NSB whom gave him a reassuring look.

Ryan lets go of all his anxiety, sighs, and starts smiling while jogging towards the boys and jumping on the hug.

"I'm glad everything turned out happily today" Ryan and Manger Ty says with a big grin plastered on their face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

thank you all to who read this chapter ! thanks for the support !

but be sure to look forward for a new chapter !!!

i hope this book gets lots of views and votes at least !! so share this pls !!!

pls vote and comment and follow for updates !!!

have a great day, and stay safe 😊❤️


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