Chapter 64 - Anger

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"Did you see Akira? Marcus said she's in the compound," Kay asked Perseus, who intently watched Cat teach some young werewolves how to defend themselves against an adult, and it wasn't because he had any interest in the lesson.

Her words instantly brought his attention to her, and his expression made her uneasy.

"She's with Zeus," he said, a worried frown tugging at his brow and dark shadows in his eyes.

"Didn't Thane forbid us to go in there?" she asked.

Since they brought in Thane's eldest living son two days earlier, the compound has been abuzz; although she had not seen him for herself, she heard the stories.

Of all those they rescued, only Zeus refused to believe that Thane was not responsible for what happened to his wife and seven children. Whatever Azera did to him, he was almost feral, and after several attempts to reason with him, Thane gave up.

Her father was not a man to give up easily, but whatever he encountered in Zeus left him without an answer, and he stopped even trying.

"The days when my little sister blindly obeyed our father is long past," Perseus said, returning his glace to Cat, but his attention wasn't on the vampire. "I suggest you wait until she emerges. Why are you looking for her?"

"She wanted to talk to me about something."

"Kay?" he turned his head and looked her straight in the eye. "Don't go in there."

"Yes, I've got it."

Something about the sadness in his eyes got to her, and she nodded.


"Princess?" Rosha called out, and she stopped walking. "Queen Akira said she'd talk to you later, but she forgot her communicator in the cell, and I don't want to go in there."

For a second, she only stared at one of the most fearless vampires she ever met, and the unease in his eyes as he avoided her gaze stirred her curiosity.

"Thane forbade entry without permission," she reminded.

"If he gets that communicator, he can short out the lock, and he'd be loose in the compound. If Perseus, Atlas, Athena, and Darius were not there when we rescued him, he would have killed us all. Only you and Prince Perseus are currently in the compound."

She phoned Akira, but the phone went straight to voicemail. What was she afraid of? Squaring her shoulders, she motioned with her head, and Rochas led the way.

"Make sure no one knows of this," she warned, and he nodded, looking like a jackrabbit caught in headlights.


The door opened, and a hollow feeling settled in her abdomen. What was with this childish fear? She faced Azera; how could Zeus be worse than that woman?

Despite her curiosity, she resolved not to even glance at him and spotted the communicator. The upturned table told her he already tried to get at it, but instead, it fell out of his reach, and the screen broke.

"The little vampire-crossbreed-bitch that my father whored out to the vampire prince after leaving at Azera's mercy for more than a decade," he hissed, and she almost glanced at him. Turning back, she never lifted her gaze to the cell. "You must be a spineless little thing to realize how they used you and still do their bidding like a lapdog."

She just had to reach the door without letting him get to her.

"Did he tell you that he actually fucked your mother and that she wasn't artificially inseminated?"

Captive: HopelessWhere stories live. Discover now